My Blog

Trail Running Blog: Day 1

This is the first entry in my running log that I kept from high school and even though a lot of details are skipped, it was a pretty intense workout. The End is about 10 miles back and forth, and since we warmed up and cooled down to and from Live Oak (1 mile), it was still a hard 8-mile workout. This is one of the more difficult runs that we had.

Saturday, December 29, 2001
Workout: Warm-up to Live Oak, Hard to The End & back to Live Oak, Cool Down
Time: 48:27, Weather: chilly with light rain

I missed this work-out a couple of weeks ago because of my mistiming of arrival, but I made it to this one. Recently, James Hake had been running on the trail (with us) and I guess he helped us out a lot. There was not much of a turnout due to the rain, but the ones who showed up began the work-out. The warm-up to Live Oak was cool. The rain helped keep us entertained. Fernando kept stepping on puddles that splashed on us. Just before we arrived at Live Oak, we saw Felipe. So he turned around with us. We stretched and talked a little at Live Oak and then we began. The first half mile to mile was pretty comfortable.

After what seemd like hours, I got to the end. But just before we go to the end, James Hake was coming back and he said to me “you can hang!” referring to Ha and Felipe who were just ahead of me. This seemed to help me a lot coming back. What also helped was when Felipe yelled to me “Come on, let’s go!” at about Foothill. I caught him at the Park and as headed towards Ha. It took a while but I caught him at the Railroads. I was OK but, if Ha just gave one little surge and caugt up to me, he would have easily broken me, but he didn’t. The rest of the way the fear of getting caught caused me to surge constantly.

I finally finished at Live Oak and was really happy. I beat Ha and his time from lasts time. Also I have had really bad workouts until today. I actually did the whole workout, The End and back, nonstop. Cool…

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