My Blog

Recovery Run After Intervals

Thursday, January 24, 2002
Workout: Easy/recovery to Camino
Time: 30:03 (7:30 pace) Weather: warm

Today, like many other days, I was on the verge of not running. But a few other runners did, so I joined Felipe to get a quick run in on the trail. So we changed and started running from the campus and when we finally got to the trail, we saw some other runners about 600 meters ahead. So we ran pretty fast to catch up to them (probably too fast as you will read later on). The strange thing though, when we caught the other runners, one of the runners was saying to pick it up, like to ditch us.

I think it was a personal thing, so I didn’t think much of it. We just sped up and ran by them. We rested at the 2-mile marker past Camino and then just ran back. On the way back, we caught them again, since they stopped a little bit before us. When we ran by them this time, everybody said ‘good job’ to each other except the one runner that said to speed up to ditch us. We finished the run and then stretched and waited for everyone else to finish their run. I felt alright running from the campus to the trail, but after that, I felt really bad. I think it was because I had just had lunch less than an hour before. I didn’t like it when Felipe had to (or wanted to) wait for me during the run. I felt like telling him to just go, but looking back, I’m glad that I didn’t because it became more of a workout for me because of that.

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