Trail Run to the End, With a Twist

Posted on Feb 23, 2009 under Trail | 6 Comments

Saturday, February 9, 2002
Workout: Warm-up to Live Oak, Hard to The End & Back to Live Oak, Cooldown Live Oak
Time: 51:41 (Mile 1: 6:00, Rest avg: 7:37) Weather: Sunny

Today’s trail run to the End and Back was handicapped! So whoever had the slowest time last time we ran to the End began first and the other runners would follow according to how much faster they ran it the last time. To my disappointment, I had to start the run, so I had to run with the fear of everyone else catching up to me. As usual, I started off too fast and after mile one, my legs felt really tired. I don’t know what from since the last time I had a hard run was on Wednesday. I guess I just started way too fast, which hurt me for the rest of the run.

I knew I was running very slowly because when I turned around at The End, Fernando was running right behind me, which means he caught up to me really early. He finally caught and passed me at about the Park. Nothing much happened after that, and I just kept running at my slower pace. A little bit before Duarte though, I thought to myself: “alright almost time to pick it up”, hopefully this time would be more successful since I said that to myself a couple of times before during the run.

Fernando stopped at Camino and said that there was a woman running with a horse on the trail. I was confused and said, “what?” and kept running while he waited for Frank. I eventually saw the woman and when she saw me, she stopped. Then when I got close, she started running again. I eventually passed her at the garden. And after that, I saw a couple up ahead with a dog and when I ran by them, their dog started chasing me so I started sprinting. I guess I should have the dog chasing me during the whole run. I finally finished the workout. I think I need to continue to run on the weekdays to stay in shape because these weekend runs are getting harder and harder.

6 Responses to “Trail Run to the End, With a Twist”

  1. lindsay Says:

    i see you’ve tried to straighten out the confusion as to the dates of these runs 🙂 it’s amazing how much you recall from 7 years ago!

  2. pchieng Says:

    @lindsay Thanks for stopping by and *shh* my memory is terrible; these posts are directly from a running journal I kept back then 🙂 Keep chasing the Kenyans!

  3. Anne Says:

    That was quite an adventure with the horse and dog, not to mention the nervousnous of being first after traditionally being farther back. Good mental training as well as a break from the pack.

    And thank you for the words of encouragement — I truly mean it — as I grapple with another injury. Getting old stinks.

  4. Matt Says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your’s is great! I’ll be checking it out again for sure!


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