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DailyMile Running Updates: July 27-30, 2009

No new running events for a while now. There is a race on Saturday that I heard about through the local newspaper, which I’m considering. If not, the next race I have signed up for is in mid-August, which feels like forever. I’m trying to start posting a recap of my runs for the past week, which can also be viewed on my account at DailyMile. There are weeks however, where nothing incredible happens during my runs. But I’m sure I will be able to think of something to say about 4-5 days worth of runs. This past week, I had some great runs. Last week was the first week I started running after work at night. I am fairly convinced that running at night makes me run a lot faster. My pace for the past two weeks have been the best ever and even the easy runs feel a lot more comfortable. Last Monday, my first day running at night, I had run my fastest on that route. This past Monday, I improved on that same route and only two days later I had run the fastest 4 miles ever! All of that happened within a two week period! I don’t know if I’ll ever get close enough to break that time for quite a while. Once I start using my Nike+ and I find new routes to run, I may consider running a lot more miles. But for now, I will enjoy this running high that I have had since yesterday.

Monday, July 27, 2009
The Loop – 4 mi / 27:01  06:45 pace

I love running @ night!! I started off ok, but felt sluggish 2nd mile so was planning to cruise the rest of the way. But I got a second wind at mile 3 and finished the last mile strong. Splits: 6:43, 7:10, 6:48, 6:20. By far, the fastest last mile I’ve ever ran.. 🙂

Topped last week’s run by 10 seconds!

HR Avg: 171 Max: 195
Calories 511

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Loop – 4 mi / 30:49  07:42 pace

Planned on running easy today, but actually ran slow because I felt kind of weak. I think it was because I was hungry.. Next time I’ll have a snack before running.

HR Avg: 158 Max: 176
Calories 513

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Reverse Loop – 4 mi / 26:20  06:34 pace

Fastest 4 miles, ever! Ran the loop in reverse and had my banana; no excuse not to run fast. But didn’t expect it to be this fast. I felt really good the first mile, breathing was very controlled and just kept up the same pace throughout. Had to slow down a couple of times for cars, so imagine that didn’t happen? Splits: 6:25, 6:48, 6:40, 6:27

Previous fastest time was only 2 days ago!

HR Avg: 176 Max: 195
Calories 522

Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Loop – 4 mi / 27:36  06:54 pace

Planned on an easy/recovery run after yesterday’s PR. Hit 7 minutes for the first mile, which was faster than expected and the same for the next 2 miles. I didn’t want to ruin it by not hitting pace on the last mile so I picked it up, just in case. Overall good run, not sure how I’ll feel tomorrow though. Splits: 7:01, 6:52, 7:01, 6:40.

HR Avg: 166 Max: 186
Calories 498

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