My Blog

End of the Summer Run to the Beach (La Jolla Shores, San Diego)

This past Saturday, I had an off/XT/easy run day so I decided to change things up and go on a little adventure to the beach rather than run on the campus where I was already going to anyways. I initially wanted to go on this route that I took with a couple of runner friends when I was in school that took you to this cliff area that overlooked the beach. But I guess I made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up running down the hill that brought you to the actual beach. As I was running down that road, I kept thinking to myself, “this is not going to be a fun run running back up this hill, especially the day before your long run..” I ended up taking the uphill back pretty slow as to not be sore for my long run the next day. But the run to the beach was pretty fun and I stopped on the way to take a few pictures. I think they look pretty good considering they came from my cellphone camera!

Secret entrance to the path that was supposed to take me to these cliffs that overlooks the beach.

Accidental shot of my shoes while running, looks kind of twisted or just bad running form.

Super nice houses on the way to the beach.

One time my friends and I were running this route around Halloween time and we talked about how we should just trick-or-treat around this area. They would probably give money out instead of candy!

Finally got to the beach! La Jolla Shores Beach, one of the nicer beaches in San Diego.

Some houses with a nice beach/ocean view, wouldn’t it be nice?

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