My Blog

Half Training Week 3: September 21 – 27, 2009

I’m going to try and make this a quick update since I’m already late on this post. So Tuesday’s intervals were supposed to be 7×800 meters at 6:30 pace. Even though 7 was the most I’ve done for intervals, I wasn’ taht worried. The pace wasn’t too intense and I had been knocking these workouts out pretty easily. And the fact that they’re only 800 meters helped too. The first lap is a little easier because it’s the beginning, so I always try and focus on that 2nd lap. I’ve been trying to focus on my posture during these hard workouts. I’m hoping that this will help create some efficiencies when running. Here are the splits for the 800 meter intervals: 3:05, 3:01, 2:57, 3:00, 2:56, 2:52, 2:44. I’m really happy with the overall times, and was able to hit progressives. I broke 20 for the last 100 meters of last week’s intervals so I wanted to see if I could run faster this time and was able to hit a 17.19!

My tempo run was a lot better paced and I was able to hit around the goal pace or below for all 5 miles. Splits: 6:55, 7:05, 6:39, 6:46, 6:20. My Sunday long run I ran on the trail at home in LA again (need to post pictures of the trail soon!) I took a Clif bar with me to eat around halfway through the run with some water. I can’t really tell if the Clif bar helped since I stopped for water and rested too. But when I started running after eating the Clif bar, I felt really rested, not sure how energized. I really want to try some Gu things though, maybe I’ll use it during the half marathon. I heard that it’s important to eat them with water and actually heard of some people that had a negative reaction to them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

7×800 m Intervals (6:30 min/mile = 3:15) 3.5 mi 20:35 05:52 pace

Most # of intervals to date, wasn’t scared though. Felt really good and was able to focus on my posture and really stand tall while running a few of those. Results: 3:05, 3:01, 2:57, 3:00, 2:56, 2:52, 2:44. Broke 20 for the final 100m last week, tried again and hit 17.19!!

HR: 172/180

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Easy Recovery Run 4 mi 33:20 08:20 pace

Easy run for the day after yesterday’s 7×800 m intervals. Wasn’t too focused on pace, but hit pretty consistent splits.

HR: 150/165

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Loop 4 mi 32:57 08:14 pace

Easy run, but forgot my daily peanut butter sandwich before leaving work today. Felt weak, but still finished the run as planned. 5 mile tempo run tomorrow, should be fun!

HR: 150/164

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tempo Run 5 mi 33:46 06:45 pace

5 mile tempo run at 7:00 pace, wasn’t that bad. Started off at around pace, which was good. 3rd mile, I think I pushed it a little too hard but was still able to finish very strong. Happy with the workout, overall! Splits: 6:55, 7:05, 6:39, 6:46, 6:20

HR: 175/193

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Easy Run 4 mi

Ran on campus, it was actually a little over 4 miles, but ran it pretty slow anyways..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Long Run on the Trail 10 mi 01:16 07:35 pace

Long run for the week, back in LA so got to run on my old high school trail. Pretty fun, heat wasn’t too bad and was happy I was able to run that much (longest to day actually). Got one of those awesome sock tans though!

HR: 163/177

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