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Race Pictures: Carlsbad Half Marathon

Here are some race pictures from the Carlsbad Half Marathon a couple of weeks ago. There were actually more, but they were either very similar or really bad pictures of me..But if anyone is interested or daring enough, from Brightroom.

The Start – Felt really good, was very comfortable. My breathing felt relaxed and I was just trying to find my ‘comfort zone/pace’ The sun was out, but it wasn’t too hot, especially since it rained the entire week up until that morning (thank you Rain Gods!) I actually made a conscious effort to look at the cameras this time, but still wasn’t up for smiling or anything that would throw off my rhythm (next time, I’ll attempt a thumbs up or some type of gang sign). It always looks like one hand is in a fist and the other is more loose, not sure if that is something that I need to remedy or maybe it doesn’t really mean anything..

The Middle – I’m not too sure where in the course this was taken, but I’m going to assume it’s the middle. Still going strong at this point, although it looks like I’m running alone (I know I was for a while) which kind of sucks during a 13.1 mile race.

The Finish – Yeah, by this time in the race, I didn’t care too much for the cameras. I was having a hard enough time getting enough oxygen to my body. But as you can see, I’m trying to pump my arms and dig as deep as possible to get to that finishing line.

My Running GIF 🙂 – One of the photographers got trigger happy and actually took 5-6 pictures of mile in a row! So I created this cool animated gif. I’d love to use this avatar for my Twitter/DailyMile..

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