My Blog

Des Moines Trail Run

Happy to say that I survived my first trip to Midwest 🙂 There was some dead time after arriving in Des Moines and dinner with my colleagues, so I thought I’d check out the local trail about a mile away from our hotel. Although it is called Des Moines Trails and runs along this winding river surrounded by forests, it actually is more or less a narrow bike path made for walkers, runners and cyclists alike. However, running in a new environment was definitely exciting and I couldn’t wait to see what I would find during this 9-mile stroll (actually hit 1:10, 7:49 min/mile..not too bad).

Seems like the West side to any city is the nicer part..

It’s like the scene/view from a movie..

Got to run along this river the whole way, pretty cool..

There are a lot more greens here in Des Moines than I will ever find in SD..

Random benches found throughout the trail to enjoy ‘the views’..

Yes, that is a field of dandelions! And there were pieces of these flying into my mouth all through the run!

And yes, those are deer just hangin’ out, staring at me while I run by. On my way back, I wasn’t paying attention to the road and didn’t even notice one of them scurrying off the trail as I approached it. Could have had a very uncomfortable situation with the deer..

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