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Scripps Ranch 10K Race Report

I must admit, the Scripps Ranch 10K is becoming one of my favorite races, if not, then at least my favorite race distance. There are no finishing medals or cool race schwag, but it’s a great atmosphere and very well organized. The 10K distance requires more endurance than a 5K but isn’t as taxing on your body like a half or full marathon. I don’t need to worry (much) about hydration or nutrition during a 10K, I didn’t even bother getting any water at the two water stations that were available. And as long as I pace myself at the beginning, I’ll have enough to pick up the pace at the end. Race Results: 40:48, 6:34 min/mile, 14/71 AG, 125/1500+ overall. Splits: 7:08, 6:42, 6:30, 6:38, 6:35, 6:07, 1:05(.2 miles). It’s an improvement from last year, but I was hoping for better (I’m never satisfied..) I am happy with the way I paced myself this year compared to last though: 7:04, 6:51, 6:50, 7:04, 7:00, 6:22, 1:18. With this race I think it is imperative to disclose the fact that the last mile+ is all downhill, I usually do not have that much energy at the end to pick it up like that, although I wish I did!

The two things I hate about races (besides the excruciating pain from running) is traffic and parking; it is such a pain to deal with. And the bigger the race, the more of a hassle it is. I hate waking up earlier than I have to, but I need to get it in my mind that I have to leave earlier for races to avoid the possibility of missing my race. But I still got to this race on time, got my race bib and chip and got to the starting line warmup less. Another thing I don’t like about coming late is not getting a good spot at the starting line. I’m no elite, but I hate being blocked in and forced to dodge people for a better position. It’s wasting valuable energy that could be conserved for later.

I ran a pretty fast 6-miler about 2 days before so I felt very confident coming into the race. I wanted to run 7:00-7:15 pace for the first couple of miles and pick it up on the 2nd half. I’ve done this on more than one training run, so I know it works. But when the race actually comes and I’m looking up at all of the runners ahead of me, the competitive side of me just stops thinking and just tries to go with or pass them. That’s one of the things that make me a dumb/ignorant runner, although I am trying to get better at holding back. Today, I think I did a pretty good job at pacing. After mile one, I didn’t feel very fatigued, if at all. I’m very surprised at the splits for miles 3-5, but shouldn’t be since I held back the first two. I knew that mile 6+ was downhill so as long as I got through mile 5, I knew I was in good shape.

This race was very reminiscent of my half marathon PR race. I felt pretty good throughout this race and was able to hang with others who caught up to me and even surge to pass them and catch others ahead of me. I think that is a key sign of how you are feeling mentally and physically in a race. In almost all of my other races, I am so tired early on in the race, I don’t care who passes me, I barely put up a fight. It’s definitely a sign of giving up, which I hate. But today, I ran very tough and am very proud of that.

The day isn’t even over yet and I’m already looking ahead to the next challenge. It is either going to be a trail race or another local 5K/10K. Looming farther into the future is the AFC Half Marathon, which will complete the half marathon triple crown. That was a goal I set out last August when I ran the AFC 5K while everyone else did the half. Still contemplating about the next full marathon too..

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