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Race & Running Updates

I was hoping to find at least one other race to run after my trail half in April and before the SD Rock ‘n Roll Half coming up next week. But things kept coming up and I couldn’t find one that I really wanted to run. So I just kept running as much as possible with some biking in between.

Some recent notable runs I can think of off the top of my head was an 8-miler (1:04, 8:09 min/mile), 11-miler (1:32, 8:05 min/mile) & 9-miler (1:13, 7:54 min/mile)! I haven’t been putting as many miles as I would have liked, but I’m hoping those long runs and whatever runs I can get in between (as well as my rides to work) will pay off. I say this each time, but I really want to try and hold back in the beginning to have enough energy to maintain or even pick up the pace later on. When I ran the SD RnR Marathon last year, we actually ran with the half-marathoners for a part of the race. I remember thinking, ‘man I could almost be done, but instead I’m only half-way there!’

In other news, I officially signed up for the San Francisco Half for July 31. I will be racing my brother and his friends for the first time (in that distance). This will be my first race outside of SD and LA, still not out of state, but getting closer. I’ve been there for business, so I’ll try to make it a mini vacation as well. I want to use the SD RnR Half as a training run for the ‘real’ race in July. Of course, I’ll continue to run and train before that race, hopefully it’ll push me to train even hard than before!

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