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2011 Scripps Ranch 10K Race Report

This is my 3rd year (most for any race) running the Scripps Ranch 10K and I’m hoping I can keep that streak alive for many years to come. I’ve PR’ed each year, so maybe in a couple of years, I’ll be able to run low thirties? Probably not. But I did almost break 40, which would have been cool. I didn’t even know I was that close until I was the finish line, which was too late by then. But 40:38 is still a pretty good time and I’m super happy with it. Specific details: actual distance, 6.14 (no weaving and bobbing for me + tangents!), pace: 6:37 min/mile, 747 calories, HR: 182 avg, 199 max. Placing: AG: 16/63, Sex: 100/812, Overall: 106/1552. Not too please with my semi-positive splits though: 6:31, 6:46, 6:40, 6:49, 6:51, 6:15, :42. But really, I don’t have much to complain about, I’ve been doing 2-3 runs a week most of which were pathetically slow (9-9:30 pace max?) So yeah, I’m very fortunate to have been able to run as fast as I did.

I just came back from watching the 4th of July fireworks right outside my place. And either before the race or during, I thought to myself how cool it is that so many people bother to get up a lot earlier than they have to on a holiday just to run. I usually complain about having to do that for just a regular race. Luckily, I went to bed early and didn’t have to go very far for this race (literally drove 2 miles and jogged 1 to the start).

I felt pretty calm and relaxed before the race. Like I said, I did about a one mile warmup before, which broke me into a sweat due to the humidity. I got a nice spot near the front and was able to get into my race pretty quickly. It was kind of lame because there was a couple in front of me going pretty slow so I darted across the whole lane; should have just started on the left rather than right. The course is pretty straightforward, about a half mile to the lake, which is about 5 miles and then downhill finish to the end.

I must have started off really fast because after the first couple hundred meters, quite a few people passed me. I just kept going at my own pace, which was actually faster than I had wanted to in the beginning. I ran a very smart race last year and ended up with negative splits. This year, I started off too fast and slowed down the next few miles (luckily it wasn’t too much slower). But I knew I had started off too fast and was tired very early on. It was pretty easy to tell too. Whenever someone passed me, I would just let them go by without a fight. It was really on and off though. I would let someone pass me, but then on a small downhill I would pick it up, catch a guy and eventually pass him. I’m really wondering if there are ‘mental exercises’ that you can do to help with that. Then again, if I run a smarter race, I won’t be as tired and actually try to stay with the runners that pass me.

I have another 10K next week (less than a week actually), but this time it’s a trail race. I won’t be too worried about time, but it’s going to be more of a hill workout for me. I’m hoping this hill training will prepared me for the half marathon in SF, which I heard has a few hills. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July!

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