My Blog

(Lack of) Running Updates

Believe it or not, I am still alive. But I’m barely getting by without much running these days. I’ve been super busy with work and other things, I just haven’t had time (or found myself too tired or unmotivated) to run in the mornings. I’m lucky if I can get 1 or 2 runs in a week now. Flash back to a year or two ago when I was doing 6 or 7 runs a week, that’s a big difference. The good thing is that I’m still racing, I just haven’t had the time to actually post about it. But I did just come back from a near-week long trip to New York and had some time to kill at the airport and plane ride. So I was able to write up (as well as I could remember) the race reports for my last 3 races. Although most of it is typed out, for some reason formatting and touching up always takes longer than I expect. So I am going to post the oldest race report first and see when I have time to post the rest.

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