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Hot Buttered Run 10K Race Report

Finally got a chance to write up the race report for the Hot Buttered Run 10K (December 16, 2012). I’m usually pretty punctual when it comes to race reports, but I was waiting for the official results as well as race photos before I sat down and wrote the post. Then Christmas and New Year’s came and went, so I had other things to worry about. I actually wasn’t even supposed to run this race; my coworker got hurt and asked me to run in her place. Like all of my other races the past year or so, I hadn’t really trained for this race and only ran about 4 miles the week of. But the results were still better than I had expected: 46:39, 6.38 mi (7:19 min/mile); 4/37 AG, 27/660 overall. This was a much smaller race than I’ve ran before, which explains the decent placing at the end. But I could have placed even higher, but a few of us made an extra loop at the beginning, which was a physical and mental setback.

I think my coworker told me she was hurt and couldn’t run the race a week (or two) before. Even though I hadn’t been running that much, I knew I still would have been able to run the race, just not sure how fast. Like all other races, I tried to hold back the first few miles and then pick it up (or at least) hold on for the rest of the race. Since it was a smaller race, there weren’t that many ‘elite’ runners at the front of the starting line, so what do I do but join the rest of the runners there. I ended up starting way faster than I had wanted (6:44) and tried to gradually decrease my pace before I ran out of energy too soon. I ended up running negative splits, which I hate!


The course went around Paradise Point, this secluded hotel and resort surrounded by different bays. We ran through a loop and when we were supposed to round the corner, the runners in front of me just ran through the cones and went straight! It didn’t feel right running through the cones, but I didn’t really think much about it and followed. As we were finishing that loop, we actually merged with the rest of the runners barely starting the first loop we had already ran before. I thought to myself, ‘why would they make us run the same loop twice, that’s so confusing!’ Of course, it was because we had made the wrong turn and basically ran an extra loop instead. When I got to the official mile marker, my phone had said I had already run 1.5 miles! So the rest of the race I kept thinking about how I was going to end up running a half mile more than everyone and how much more tired I was going to be. When I finally finished the race, it had only said I ran 6.38, which is only about a quarter mile more than the 6.2 mile race distance, but I have a feeling my phone just didn’t measure properly. If I had ran the actual course, I think I would have ran under 45 minutes, which isn’t my fastest, but still a reasonable time. But that’s not saying my official time is terrible either considering how little I’ve been running or how slow I usually run when I do get a chance to train.

I have a few race photos and scenic photos I took before the race.


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