My Blog

2012 Recap and What’s New in 2013

If you look back at my 2012 workout summary from DailyMile, you’ll see that there was a huge drop off in runs and rides for the 2nd half of the year. But what isn’t noted in that report is all the time I spent at the gym once I moved to my new office in July. And San Diego was ridiculously cold this winter which made getting out to run and ride a lot hard than before (but I can’t complain, it rarely rained and of course never snowed).

From a competition standpoint, I actually ran the most races in 2012 than the previous 2.5 years of running that I’ve done. I ran 15 races in 2012, up 1 from 2011 and a few more than the previous years. I suppose that means I should compete in (at least) 16 races in 2013, we’ll see if that happens.

I’m actually on pace to compete in 16 races as you’ll see below. Since I haven’t been and don’t plan to run as much again this year, I’m trying to stay away from half and full marathons and stick to shorter trail races instead. They’re cheaper, more scenic and in some cases even tougher than a half or full.

Here is a list of races I have already registered for this year, including this random fitness test tomorrow morning!

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