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Jump Start Your Heart 5K Race Report

JSYH_logoThis is the 4th Annual Jump Start Your Heart 5K. This is a non-profit event (100% proceeds) benefitting The Children’s Heart Foundation. The goal of The Children’s Heart Foundation is to bring health, hope and happiness to children impacted by congenital heart defects, the number one birth defect in the United States. 

This race was on a Saturday but I had been training for and had planned to run a 10 mile race on Sunday. However, when my co-worker sent an email to the company about this, I couldn’t say no. It was for a good cause and needed as much support as possible. Since this was more of a fun run, there weren’t too many people taking this race seriously. Because of that, I got a spot at the very front of the starting line, which can be a good and bad thing. I didn’t have to worry about having to waste energy running around slower people, but that meant I would be running near some very fast people too. Here are the results: 18:54 (6.05 min/mi), 3/35 AG, 11/383 overall. Technically, this time would be a new PR, but according to my phone’s GPS, the distance was only 2.94 miles, which is pretty off of the 3.1 official 5K distance. And for some reason, I was put in the 30-34 AG, which makes it look like I placed 1st. But this was a local race, so they get a pass. 

Like always, I started this race way too fast, running a 5:51 first mile! That definitely made the rest of the race more exhausting and lead me to run over 30 seconds slower for the 2nd mile! The course was basically an out and back and out again. It took place in Mission Bay which has a nice view of, you guessed it: the Bay! The problem with this course was that most of it was on the boardwalk, which was very narrow. So once we got to the turn around point, we were basically sharing the running path with a lot of other slower runners. Fortunately, most of them were moving over to the side for us, but we definitely had to be more aware to make sure we didn’t run into anyone. There was also a short part of the course that ran through some uneven grass, which I didn’t like.

Overall, it was a fun race. There were a few vendor booths and some activities for the kids. I’ll definitely try to run it again next year!

Here are some (un-watermarked) race photos

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