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Ways That Companies Are Encouraging Employee Wellness

Today, a growing number of company owners are recognizing the value of corporate wellness programs. They realize that healthy employees are more productive and take fewer sick days which can boost a company’s overall productivity. Consider just a few of the ways that companies are getting their employees excited about improving their health.

Weight Loss Competitions

Some companies are setting up competitions that allow employees to compete for prizes as they lose weight and improve their health. For instance, a company may begin a competition that lasts for six months. Each employee who wants to participate creates a reasonable weight loss goal. Employees who accomplish their goal receive a prize. Some examples of prizes are a week of paid vacation, tickets to a popular sporting event or even a few hundred dollars cash. With this sort of competition, employees lose weight and get recognized for their efforts.

Counting Steps

Many companies are holding competitions that ask employees to keep track of the amount of steps they walk or jog per day. In some cases, these steps are recorded by a technological device. Employees may even be able to go online to see how well others are doing in the competition. This is something that employees can do at work or at home. For instance, an employee may decide to take the stairs to get to the office instead of riding on the elevator each morning. That helps to boost the amount of steps the person takes each day. This competition adds fun to the process of getting in better shape.

Trying New Exercise Classes

Another way that company owners are encouraging their employees to get in better shape is to host a competition that involves exercise classes. Employees may be invited to try a different exercise class each day at a fitness center chosen by the company. An employee who continually tries new classes for a certain period of time can earn prizes awarded by the company. Trying new exercise classes can help employees to find one that they really love. WCS is one example of a resource that companies can use to find a convenient fitness center as well as other things that can help with establishing a wellness program.

Finally, employees of a company may be more inclined to lose weight or try a new exercise regimen if they have others doing it with them. Employees can encourage one another in their efforts to gain more energy and get in better shape. Scheduling email reminders can be a great way to keep employees on track, check out Campaign Monitor to learn more.

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