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Pilates & Osteopathy Solutions for Better Health

As a runner, I’ve always wanted to try other forms of exercise that would help me get stronger and possibly run faster. I’ve only done Pilates once in my life, but heard that it is a good way to strengthen your core muscles, while improving your flexibility which is very important for someone like me that almost never stretches before or after a run.

The one Pilates class I did take was pretty well known, ‘CoreBody Pilates Plus is a 45-minute signature workout that will burn up to 500 calories’. It was interesting how we utilized this one machine to perform all exercises during the session. There was basically a series of pullies and strings that got easier or harder to pull depending on the tension level. I did struggle with some exercises, not because I didn’t have the strength, but because I have poor balance. I usually gauge a workout by the amount of sweat I produce. But since this is a different workout than running or going to the gym, it’s hard to make an apples to apples comparison.

There are many places to address any physical injuries or ailments you may have. For example, there are osteopathy clinics that can help lead you to the path of recovery. Whether you have chronic pain, random sports injuries or some complex back pain, there are clinics and osteopaths that can help you.

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