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Dos and Don’ts for How to Run a Marathon

Whether it’s your 1st or 50th marathon, you will almost always run into some type of issue while running a marathon. Fortunately, the folks at Run Rock ‘n’ Roll put together this nifty infographic that shows you how to run a marathon. It basically shows you common in-race issues that people encounter and how to prevent them. I actually experienced one of them in my last race. I in the hot and humid weather in Chicago and approached a hydration station. The first few tables are usually for Gatorade while the last few tables are for water. Well, I thought I had passed all the Gatorade tables and grabbed a cup from a volunteer and immediately splashed it on my face. It took a while for me to realize that I had just poured Gatorade onto my face, which was then sticky for the rest of the race. Lesson learned!

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