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Fit Foodie 5K & Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles 5K 2017 Race Reports

Fit Foodie 5K

I’ve wanted to participate in the Fit Foodie 5K for quite some time. As I mentioned before, one of the reasons I run is so that I don’t have to worry (too much) about what I eat before and after. So when I learned about an event that highlights running and food, I was sold! I finally had the opportunity to run it this year and it did not disappoint. The race was very well organized and there were so many different food options, I felt like I had to go for another run afterwards!

We came a little late so had to start the race at the very back, which meant a lot of bobbing and weaving to get to the front. Usually, when that happens, I’m able to go off to the side and pass most people that way. But because the race was around Liberty Station, the race was mostly on a very narrow walking/biking path. So, I did my best to avoid running over others while trying to keep up my pace. I also have to admit that I had not been running very much before this race. So it’s not like I was in tip-top shape ready to win the race. But the atmosphere was great throughout the race and I had a really good time.

Finish Time: 22:49 (7:21 min/mile)
Age Group Placing: 7/94
Gender Placing: 24/361
Overall Placing: 34/1393

Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles 5K

This is my 5th time running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles race, but my first time running the 5K. The good thing with Rock ‘n’ Roll races is that you know what to expect: very big, but very organized race expos, a lot of runners, a staggered starting line to prevent congestion on the course, as well as their notable music along the course and post-race concerts. Unlike the Fit Foodie 5K, I was a little more prepared for this race. I ran a total of 9 times since that last race as well as biked 20 miles. I guess the word ‘trained’ can be subjective. In the past I used to run 7 days a week and as long as 20+ miles on certain days. Now I’m lucky if I can run 20 miles for the week! But my results for any type of training is similar, I run very slow during my training runs but when it’s race day, I can pick up the pace. As you can see below, I never ran faster than 8-minute pace in any of my previous training runs. But on race day, I was able to run a 6:42 pace, bizarre right? Not that I’m complaining. I just feel I could be pushing myself a lot more during those training runs. It’s just difficult because getting up at 6AM is hard enough as it is, let alone trying to endure running fast.

The other reason we wanted to run this race is because we had already planned to attend the Comic Con event at the Convention Center the day before the race. I found out that there was a promotion called the Super Hero Challenge where if you attended Comic Con and ran the race, you would get another medal (not including the one you get for finishing the 5K), called the Super Hero Challenge Medal. I’m not one to run races for medals, but I have to admit, the medal was nice!

Finish Time: 20:49 (6:42 min/mile)
Age Group Place: 1/52
Gender Placing: 7/374
Overall Placing: 10/1033

We do not have any other races coming up, but my wife will be training in her Mizuno Wave Riders. It’s going to be tough to get out during the winter. The temperatures have dropped significantly in the mornings and the sun goes down way too early in the evening. So we’re just going to have to make the best of the time we can get out and exercise.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mizuno. The opinions and text are all mine.

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