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3 Ways to Stay Hydrated on a Run

Whether you’re looking for a new way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise or you’ve made a fresh commitment to becoming more active, trail running is a rewarding and fun activity. However, you can’t run at your peak level without proper hydration, regardless of your fitness level. Here are some methods to getting the best run and staying hydrated on your longer runs.

Follow the General Rule

Image via Flickr by verrier.claude

Everyone is different when it comes to running and hydration, but if you follow this general guideline for hydration, you will be able to optimize your performance. About two hours before you hop on the trail:

Carry the Proper Amount of Water

Before leaving home, review the trail map and determine the length and time it will take to complete. By calculating your run ahead of time, you can determine how much water you’ll need and the best way to carry it. Here are some tips to help you:

The Risks of Improper Hydration

Without proper hydration, you can suffer from many health risks. Immediate signs of dehydration include dizziness, confusion, nausea, dry mouth, and lethargy. You may also want to replenish electrolytes with a tablet in your water. Otherwise, you could suffer from exertional hyponatremia. Caused by a lack of sodium when hydrating, this condition can cause seizures and even respiratory failure.

By knowing some of the symptoms of dehydration or overhydration, you can change your hydration regiment while you’re trail running. Even if you don’t feel ill, drinking the right amount of water is ideal for performance improvement.

Even if you’re a trained runner, hydration isn’t something to gamble on. Always keep water on hand for your health, fitness, and performance.

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