Surf City 10 – 10 Mile, 10K & 5K Race Preview
Posted on Aug 23, 2019 under Race | No CommentDisclaimer: I received free entry to Surf City 10 as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

I started racing competitively about 10 years ago after taking a few years off from running in high school. The way I got back into running was kind of odd. It was about a year after I graducated college and started working full-time, you know the old 9-5 routine.. I was working at an entry level position and would regularly buy lunch from the 7-11 across the street from the office. One day, as I was dressed in my business professional attire and dress shoes, I jaywalked across the street and had to run to avoid an oncoming car. And that split second of running got me back into running again. That was also the inspiration to start my running blog, here is one of my first posts. Ahh, fond memories! Read the rest of this entry ยป