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3 Small Changes to Improve your Physical Health

Disclaimer: I received free entry to the San Francisco Half Marathon, 10K & 5K race as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

If you’d like to experience lasting changes in your physical health, it’s important to always work on switching things up. When you’re working out to lose weight, it’s important to alternate your routines so that you avoid a plateau. The same can be said in life. If you have the same routine and do the same things all the time, you’ll get the same results. If you’d like to experience major results over a period of time, here are three small ways to start changing your physical health.

1. Change your drinks.
Try to avoid drinking your calories. When you’re thirsty, you need to drink water instead of juice. Most juices and sodas have entirely too much sugar per serving and it’s not uncommon for people to drink multiple servings. Instead, switch to drinking lots of water. If you really need some extra flavor, add a few slices of a lemon, lime or orange. If you want a sweet drink, enjoy a fruit smoothie with fresh ingredients. If you really like fizzy drinks, kombucha tends to be low in calories and is also low in sugar as well. However, do your best to drink as much water as possible. This will energize your system and help your systems run at optimal levels.

2. Work out at home.
One of the reasons why so many people fail at maintaining a consistent workout routine is because they don’t have the desire to drive to the gym. Eliminate the commute and exercise at home. Purchase home gym equipment and try different workouts every day. Work on your squats, push-ups and pull-ups with the help of equipment and your body weight. Turn on a great workout DVD and sweat for 30 minutes. After a long day, there’s nothing like going outside and going for a nice, long run.

3. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier.
Even though most people know that it’s best to go to bed before 11 p.m., it can be hard to do if they’re used to going to bed around 2 a.m. Instead of staying in the bed awake for hours, go to bed 15 minutes earlier. If you’re used to going to bed at 2, go to bed at 1:45. Once you’ve gotten into that routine, bump up the time another fifteen minutes. Within a month, you’ll be going to bed an hour earlier. Keep it up until you’re in bed before or at 11 p.m. Your quality of sleep will improve dramatically.

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