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5 Things You Need a Headlamp For

You are probably familiar with the usefulness of carrying around a quality, high-powered flashlight. However, have you considered the benefits of owning a headlamp as well? A headlamp has similar uses to a flashlight, with the added benefit of being hands-free. Read on for five things you need a headlamp for.  


If you are someone who goes on week-long backpacking adventures or someone who would rather go car camping, you need to come prepared with a headlamp. If you are backpacking long distances, you may sometimes end up carrying your things early in the morning or into the evening. While carrying all of your supplies in and out, it’s important to keep your hands as free as possible to help you climb or catch your fall in case you trip on something. If you are camping out of your car or a cabin, you may overlook the need for a headlamp. However, headlamps are extremely useful when you are cooking breakfast or dinner around the campsite. 

Working with Your Hands

When poking around under the hood or beneath your car, it can be very difficult to see everything. By using a headlamp, you are able to automatically light up wherever you are looking under your car. This can make car maintenance much less frustrating, as well as reduce the risk of injury while working on your car. If you are someone that is into woodworking or other hobbies that require the use of both hands, a headlamp can come in handy. Especially when you are working with sharp tools having both hands free can greatly reduce the risk of injury. 

Night Running

If you find yourself ever going for runs or walks at night, you should definitely consider bringing a headlamp out with you. Wearing a headlamp out at night allows you to see your surroundings better, as well as allow other people to see you better. Night running can be dangerous in certain areas, especially those with high traffic. Although wearing bright colors and reflective clothing can help cars see you, a headlamp further allows you to be more visible to oncoming vehicles. 

Home Emergencies 

Inclimate weather, from lightning to blizzards, can cause power outages to happen at any time of the year. When this happens, your immediate concern is how to get the power back on. When trying to turn the power back on it can be frustrating pointing a flashlight on the fuse box while figuring out how to fix it. A headlamp allows you to see everything while leaving you hands-free and able to figure out the situation quicker. 

Reading at Night

When reading at night, it can be hard to see while allowing other people in the room to sleep. It’s hard to point a flashlight on the pages while holding the book, and a lamp brightens the whole room and can keep the other person up. A headlamp allows for you to point the light just at the book while keeping you hands-free to hold the book upright. 

Although flashlights are useful in many different situations, headlamps make certain tasks much easier by keeping you hands-free. Investing in a high-quality headlamp will allow you to do many of these things much more efficiently and safer. 

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