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5 Vital Steps To Speed-Up Recovery From Sporting Injuries

Athletic injuries can be particularly painful. Firstly there is the obvious physical pain, plus the emotional pain of being denied participation in your chosen sport.

Recovery can be a long and difficult. Here are some of the steps which can speed up this recovery process. Following these can greatly reduce the period of injury and have you enjoying your sport once more.

Understand Your Injury

One of the first things to do is to understand your own injury.

The best way to do this is to ask your doctor or therapist about the issue. Sharing their expertise should help you gain a better understanding on your situation. Key questions to be asked include:

Finding out the answers to these questions is critical in your rehabilitation process. As a result of this you will feel a greater sense of control.

Allow for Healing

It can be tempting to try to rush back from an injury.

Sadly, when this happens there can be serious knock-on effects. The injured area is not the only place at risk. Other strains or pulls can occur when an athlete attempts to return too quickly from their injury.

It is essential you follow the advice is given to you. Your doctor or physio will be keen to get you back to full fitness; however, they will also be mindful of further injury risk.

Unleash the Power of the Mind

Another important element is to adopt a positive approach.

Of course, being unable to compete in your chosen sport is frustrating; however, dwelling on things is likely to make the situation worse.

Try to create a mental image of how you will feel once the recovery process is complete. Think about the steps needed to get to this stage and focus hard to meet each challenge.

If you need further information on the power of the mind, I recommend reading Sports injuries benefit from a positive mental attitude, an article by Amy Chien on the Chron website.

Regain Muscle Strength

Any period of time where you have been unable to exercise will bring about its own set of issues.

One of the main areas is muscle strength can be lost quite quickly. As a result it needs to be brought back up gently. Never assume you can make an immediate return to 100 percent of your previous physical activities.

This is a sure-fire way of picking up niggles in other areas, if not causing a full breakdown of the initial injury.

Going back into the gym can also be great for muscle strength. However, it is vital you complete smaller sets than before. Build yourself up slowly and don’t take any unnecessary risks. Instead of attempting 6 sets of 12 repetitions, go for 3 sets of 10. Additionally, it is sensible to use between 50 and 75 percent of the load you have been used to lifting.

Remember, certain injuries need to be strapped up to prevent further damage. Normally a special stretch fabric can help in this key area. Lycra tends to be one of the best as it can provide the correct level of tightness over the given area.

If you want further information on swimming as a form of recovery, I recommend you read Rehab Your Back Injury with Swimming, Not Surgery, an article by Hannah Caldas on the Breaking Muscle website.

Regain Fitness Levels

Before attempting a return to your chosen sport it is important you regain full fitness.

Swimming can be an effective way to aid recovery. Providing you don’t overdue things, your muscles can get a good work out. However, it is important to check with your therapist or medical advisor to confirm this route is acceptable.

Alternatively, bike riding or rowing can also be highly effective. Try to avoid routines which cause an element of jarring on your body as this can lead to further injury. This almost certainly tends to rule out running or jogging.

Thankfully, building endurance levels shouldn’t take too long. Taking on board a varied program, two to three times per week should suffice.

Resting on the alternative days will also serve to aid recovery.

Conclusion: Tips to Speed-Up Sports Injury Recovery

We are not suggesting these tips will allow you to make a recovery in under a week. However, they will help to ensure a through recovery is achieved, with less risk of repeat injury.

By following the advice here you will be able to return to your chosen sport, safe in the knowledge of a full recovery. Remember, focus on staying positive and gently regain any lost muscle strength.

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