Archives for health category

Easier Ways To Scan

Posted on May 12, 2015 under health | No Comment

Patients who need testing to determine if there is anything wrong in the body might be ordered to get an MRI. This is an easy way to get a better look at the body in the form of slides. Details can appear on the MRI slides that might not show up on an x-ray or other types of scans. Some patients might not be able to lay inside an ordinary MRI machine. This is when an open MRI is beneficial.

Those who don’t like to be in enclosed spaces will find that this is a better option as it’s not as confining. The sides are open instead of being enclosed, giving more room while the test is being done. It’s a solution for young children who might be afraid of the machine itself as there will likely be enough room for a parent to lay on the bed with the child. Older adults can also have someone with them so that they feel safer. This kind of MRI makes it easier to accommodate IV poles and other equipment that the patient might need to have instead of needing to maneuver it to the side of an ordinary machine. The open design is also beneficial if there need to be images of an area of the body that might not be able to be centered in a traditional machine, such as the ankle or the wrist.

How to Feel Your Best

Posted on May 12, 2015 under health | No Comment

Between work, school, family and friends, everyone can feel low at times. The world is a stressful place, but there are some solutions to brighten the mood. A positive attitude with key lifestyle changes allows you to feel your best.

Move That Body

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to feel good about your body and mind. It’s well known that favorable hormones are released during exercise. Take a walk each day for 30 minutes to feel a change in mood. You’ll notice a surge of good feelings during and immediately after the workout. Try different activities to vary the exercise. You might find a new hobby with health as a beneficial side effect.

Concentrate on Internal Chemistry

Everyone has varying internal chemistry based on genetics and environment. You could take a supplement, such as TravaCor, to add beneficial vitamins and amino acids. When your body is deficient in certain vitamins, it responds with poor functioning. A happy mood and healthy body can be balanced with the addition of supplemental nutrition. You may want to confer with a doctor before starting a supplement regimen to verify that allergies or side effects won’t be an issue. Read the rest of this entry »

Ways That Companies Are Encouraging Employee Wellness

Posted on May 12, 2015 under health | No Comment

Today, a growing number of company owners are recognizing the value of corporate wellness programs. They realize that healthy employees are more productive and take fewer sick days which can boost a company’s overall productivity. Consider just a few of the ways that companies are getting their employees excited about improving their health.

Weight Loss Competitions

Some companies are setting up competitions that allow employees to compete for prizes as they lose weight and improve their health. For instance, a company may begin a competition that lasts for six months. Each employee who wants to participate creates a reasonable weight loss goal. Employees who accomplish their goal receive a prize. Some examples of prizes are a week of paid vacation, tickets to a popular sporting event or even a few hundred dollars cash. With this sort of competition, employees lose weight and get recognized for their efforts.

Counting Steps

Many companies are holding competitions that ask employees to keep track of the amount of steps they walk or jog per day. In some cases, these steps are recorded by a technological device. Employees may even be able to go online to see how well others are doing in the competition. This is something that employees can do at work or at home. For instance, an employee may decide to take the stairs to get to the office instead of riding on the elevator each morning. That helps to boost the amount of steps the person takes each day. This competition adds fun to the process of getting in better shape.

Trying New Exercise Classes

Another way that company owners are encouraging their employees to get in better shape is to host a competition that involves exercise classes. Employees may be invited to try a different exercise class each day at a fitness center chosen by the company. An employee who continually tries new classes for a certain period of time can earn prizes awarded by the company. Trying new exercise classes can help employees to find one that they really love. WCS is one example of a resource that companies can use to find a convenient fitness center as well as other things that can help with establishing a wellness program.

Finally, employees of a company may be more inclined to lose weight or try a new exercise regimen if they have others doing it with them. Employees can encourage one another in their efforts to gain more energy and get in better shape. Scheduling email reminders can be a great way to keep employees on track, check out Campaign Monitor to learn more.

4 Weird Celebrity Hair Hacks to Try at Your Own Risk

Posted on May 03, 2015 under health | No Comment

There are a lot of things people copy from celebrities, like taste in music and street fashion. These hair hacks may be too weird for even the most celeb-obsessed reader to copy, though. The good news is that they’re mostly all-natural. You already take an anti-aging supplement, make your own body scrubs, and buy organic foods. Why not give one or two of these tips a shot, too?

Sienna Miller: Ketchup

Sienna had a couple of mishaps when coloring her hair, including coming out with pink locks after trying to go red, then ending up with green hair when attempting to go brunette. She claims that the only thing that got her hair back to normal were regular ketchup applications, under heat.

Suki Waterhouse: Coca-Cola

Suki doesn’t particularly like her hair when it’s squeaky clean, because it gets too limp. She rinses with Coca-Cola to get a tousled look.

Fergie: Olive Oil

This tip doesn’t sound too far-fetched, since olive oil is often used in beauty regimes. On tour, Fergie would use olive oil to quickly pull her hair into a ponytail between songs. The next morning, she’d shampoo and find that her hair felt like silk.

Zoe Saldana: Mayonnaise

This is another hair hack that may have some legs. Zoe found out about the mayo trick after reading a book about natural beauty tips. The mayo is used to tame dry, wild hair. Just don’t forget to shampoo, or you’ll end up smelling like a sandwich.

Not sure if these tips are fact or fiction? Ask your stylist about them before trying anything too drastic.

Taking Care of your Body as you Age

Posted on Mar 29, 2015 under health | No Comment

It’s All About Taking Care of You
You can’t stop the march of time. You are going to get older as the years fly by. However, you can embrace your age and give your body your best. A coq10 supplement can give you a boost, helping you to feel your best. With the right anti-aging ingredients, you can feel like you are younger than your years. Put the right ingredients in your body and you can stave off illness and other debilitating conditions. You need to avoid the wear and tear that is inevitable if you don’t give yourself some TLC. Supplements can help.

Give Your Body What it Needs
With healthy bones, a strong immune system, and excellent circulation, you’ll feel a new vitality. Your body will seem renewed and the right combination of supplements can make a world of difference. Add a balanced diet and physical activity to have optimal results. With regular visits to your physician and the right kind of attitude, your body will be like a temple. Take care of it, nourish it with supplements that will enhance your health, and feel better than you have in years. Find the right formula and be amazed at what it can do for you. Fight off the damaging effects of free radicals to keep your cells in top form. When you work from the inside out, your efforts will pay off. Your body will thank you when you give it the fuel that it needs.

10 Super Cheap Ways to Decorate and Organize Your Home

Posted on Feb 06, 2015 under health | No Comment

Trying to decorate your apartment, but stuck with a slim-to-nothing budget? Don’t worry! There are plenty of simple, cheap ways to give your home a boost. Read on for tips and shop here if you’re a sports fan!

1. Gather your personal photos, magazine cutouts, and favorite prints to create a gallery wall – no frames needed! Need more images? Pull out photo pages from yearly calendars that you’re no longer using.

2. If you love fashion, hammer a thin nail into the wall and display your favorite frocks on pretty hangers. You can also display your favorite jeans by securing a towel rack to the wall and hanging jeans from their belt loops on hooks.

3. Can’t find the perfect window treatments in affordable prices? Use fabric shower curtains instead!

4. Create a makeshift bracelet holder out of old wine bottles by piling the bracelets over the neck of the bottle.

5. Browse secondhand shops for a vintage folding rack, which can be used for a host of things, from holding scarves to storing towels.

6. During the winter, your sarongs and thin scarves probably go unused. Put them to work by using them as tablecloths for end tables and colorful accents on chairs and couches.

7. Do you have a tiny bathroom with limited storage space? Throw a clear shoe holder over the door and use it to organize your toiletries, cleaning supplies, and brushes.

8. Knobs are super cheap to buy and they can be nailed to the wall to serve as hangers for bags, scarves, coats, and more.

9. Turn a small mirror into a tray and arrange books, perfume bottles, scented lotions, and candles on top of them.

10. If you’re in college or you have a home office, you probably have schedules, calendars, and other printouts that you need to glance at several times during the day. Print them out on sturdy paper and hang them from laundry clips for a shabby chic look.

If you’re not in love with your home, don’t wait until you move to be happy with your surroundings. Invest some time in making your home a place you love to be – it costs much less than you think it will.

Things To Consider When Purchasing Fitness Equipment

Posted on Jan 26, 2015 under health | No Comment

There are many things to consider when purchasing fitness equipment from locations such as The price of the government should be taken into consideration. The durability of the equipment results of something for folks to consider when they are trying to decide which products to purchase. The likelihood that they will use the products on a consistent basis is also an important consideration with so many options available.

The Usability

Figuring out how a person is going to use the equipment they purchase is one of the most important things they can do. Understanding found the equipment purchased will fit into the normal or routine is essential to maximize each purchase. When people understand how they’re going to use the products they purchase they are making a wise investment for their athletic future.


People only have so much money to invest in fitness equipment. This means they need to be careful about how much they spend on these items so that they can maximize the value of every purchase. Comparison shopping is often necessary for individuals who were attempted to purchase many items which will be counterproductive to their overall fitness goals. Sometimes consulting with a personal trainer or other professionals can be helpful in trying to make selections that.


People who do a lot of traveling will also want to make sure that the products they purchased are durable. The majority of individuals who are serious about physical fitness are interested in traveling in experiencing as much of the world as possible. This means that these individuals will be focused on trying to produce products which will be helpful to their reaching of their goals that no matter where they are in the world.

Understanding Alzheimer’s

Posted on Jan 05, 2015 under health | No Comment

Those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease experience memory loss and confusion, and this can be scary for both the patient and loved ones. One worries about becoming more impaired as well as those around them wondering if they too will one day have it. Fortunately, diet can improve one’s effects of Alzheimer’s along with reducing the chances of having it. There are many books available on the subject.


It is important to understand what causes alzheimers. It is caused by factors that include environment, lifestyle, and genetics. All of these can affect the brain. Even though the exact cause can’t be pinpointed, we do know that this disease causes damage and can kill the brain cells. As more cells die, the brain shrinks. Read the rest of this entry »

Removing The Hair

Posted on Dec 29, 2014 under health | No Comment

If the hair on your body gets to the point where you aren’t sure if you want to shave or remove the hair with wax, then consider the benefits of hair removal devices. There are several devices that you can order now online that are easy to use and will keep the hair off of the body for several weeks. It makes it easier to wear clothing that reveals more skin as well as making you feel more comfortable without the hair.

Razors are the least expensive, and you can get them just about anywhere. It’s easy to use a razor as long as you have a little water and a cream that will make the hair soft. Electric razors can also be used, but they are ideal for smaller areas, like on the face. Wax is an option if you want to get rid of hair on larger areas of the body. This includes the legs and arms. Be careful when using wax as some of them might cause irritations on the skin. Laser hair removal is something to consider when you want to permanently remove hair, or get it as permanently gone as possible. This kind of removal is often done by a professional, but there are some products that do similar things at home.

Common Hip Injuries Athletes Experience

Posted on Dec 12, 2014 under health | 1 Comment

While hours upon hours of practice are necessary for athletes to excel at their sport, overdoing it often causes athletes to experience hip pain that results in constant discomfort and sometimes prohibits them from playing. To ensure that this pain does not turn into a chronic issue, athletes should pay attention to any problems they experience with their hip and identify the cause of their pain.

Sports Medicine-Related Hip Injuries

There are many different types of sports medicine-related hip injuries that athletes suffer from. However, some of the most common problems include hip pointer issues, stress fractures, and a condition known as hip impingement.

Hip pointer injuries occur when the overlying muscle and bone of the top of the hip are bruised. This type of injury can happen suddenly and causes intense pain. Hip impingement injuries often occur within young and middle-aged athletes. Athletes may suffer from this type of hip injury when the bones of their hip no longer fit together perfectly and rub up against the joint. As a result, the hip joint can incur irreparable damage. Stress fractures are also highly common amongst athletes because they occur as a result of repetitive trauma to the hip bone over time. While any type of athlete can incur a stress fracture, they are most often seen amongst long distance runners. Read the rest of this entry »

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