Archives for Race category
Posted on Jun 13, 2010 under Race |
Race pictures were up for the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon a lot faster than I expected. I would have thought that sorting through pictures of 30K+ runners would have been very time consuming. It wasn’t until reading a few other race reports that I realized how boring MY race photos are (and have been). If you think about it, photographers will take pictures of you while running your race. But to be honest, why do you really want to see yourself running every race? I mean, the only thing that changes is what you wear (although I usually wear the same outfit) and the expression on your face, depending on where you are in the race and how difficult it is. The other race reports I read had pictures of the scenery and race atmostphere, which is something I would like to remember the most from each of my races. Not what I wore and how tired I looked. I SO made everybody want to see these pictures now, right? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jun 06, 2010 under Race |
After all of the talk, preparation and training, I finally completed my first marathon. And what better race to make my marathon debut than my local San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon? I had the opportunity to run the LA Marathon back in March with my brother, but I only had 2 half marathons under my belt and I knew I would not have been prepared to run it very well if I did do it. Also, the registration fee for that race is pretty ridiculous (although I may consider doing 2011). But I’ve heard great things about the SD RnR and people seem to really enjoy it (I think the Rock ‘n’ Roll series in general is fun). Although I did not run quite as fast as I was hoping/planning, I am still satisfied considering it was my first attempt at it. Results: 3:47:59; 61/357 AG; 1,043/10,625 overall. You’d think I gained enough race experience by now, but I ran the same way I ran my first half marathon (pace too fast to start, couldn’t hang and slowed at the end). But I think the biggest issues I had during the race was the weather and just not preparing my body to run such a great distance. So as long as I take something away from this race, it is definitely worth it, and I did.. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Apr 27, 2010 under Race |
For some reason, I thought I would be able to run as fast or close to the time I ran in my last half marathon, even though the La Jolla Half Marathon is much more difficult with quite a few tough hills. I did my best to read past race reports and even ran into a runner on my way to the expo the day before and got some really helpful advice. He was a 44-year-old who’s been running for years, and he’s actually faster than me! I’m hoping I can grow up to be like him 🙂 Anyways, here are the official results: 1:33:45, 9/162 (AG), 102/5839 (Overall). Given the difficulty of the course, this is probably a decent time, but I’m sure I could have done better and I’ll make sure I do for next year’s 30th Anniversary. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Apr 13, 2010 under Race |

The Carlsbad 5000, the “World’s Fastest 5K”, celebrated its 25th anniversary this past weekend. This fast and scenic course was the perfect place to PR for my 5K. And what better place to PR in the 5K than the same city I PR’ed in the half marathon? Official results: 18:58, 6:06 min/mile; 122/1250 overall; 95th male. As happy as I was to break 19 and PR, I was not too pleased with the way I paced myself for this race: 5:47, 6:13, 6:29, :27. But overall, it was a fun experience. It was a really big turnout and some elite world class athletes running too. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Mar 30, 2010 under Race |
Found some cool race pictures from the Black Mountain Summit 7K. There were definitely some nice views, too bad there was no time to enjoy it during the race! I’m going to have to come here on my own one day and hike (not run!) this very scenic trail. Like always, comparing my race pictures from the beginning of the race to the end is like day and night. But of course, it’s always better that I look like that at the end rather than the beginning!

Posted on Mar 21, 2010 under Race |
In only my second trail race in less than one year back from running, I ran the Black Mountain Summit 7K. And it is also only the 2nd time in my ‘running career’, that I won my age group! Results: 31:08, 1st in AG, 7th overall (only 159 runners..) The splits make sense knowing that it’s an out and back course: 18:19 uphill, 12:47 downhill. It was definitely a surprise win for me considering I was not all that prepared to run such a tough course. But I did have the opportunity to get a few hill workouts in a couple of weeks before and I got some inside information about the course, so I was not too surprised on race day. But going into the race, I did start doubting myself thinking, ‘how am I going to run uphill continuously for over 2 miles?!’ Fortunately there were a few downhills and some flat trails on the way up, which allowed me to rest my legs as they were shot soon just after going up the first few hills. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Feb 08, 2010 under Race |
Here are some race pictures from the Carlsbad Half Marathon a couple of weeks ago. There were actually more, but they were either very similar or really bad pictures of me..But if anyone is interested or daring enough, from Brightroom. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jan 25, 2010 under Race |
My high school cross country coach told me that you see your biggest improvement in the second year of running. I could definitely understand why, unless you are just a natural born runner, which most people aren’t. But I would never imagine that I would see such a huge improvement after running my second..half marathon. In the Carlsbad Half Marathon, my first race of 2010, and first one as a proud member of the Brooks ID program, I ran one of the smartest and fastest races I could have ever imagined. Official results: 1:28:53 (PR), 6:47 min/mile; place: 6/143 AG, 102/7105 overall. Flashback two months ago after my first half marathon: 1:38, almost 10 minutes faster! My goal for the first race was to break 1:30 and I was on pace to do so for the first 7-8 miles, but flopped. My goal for this race was to break 1:35, much more reasonable. What happened instead? Not only did I shatter my goal of 1:35, but I reached my goal from the first half. I think there are a lot of factors that contributed to my success, which I will get into below, but some of the things that helped was: not getting discouraged from a disappointing first half, ‘getting back on the horse’ and just running, longer runs with less speed work, and of course, being encouraged by runners from all over. As always, I’m very grateful for the last part. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Dec 07, 2009 under Race |
I know I’m a little late with this post, but with Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday and the first week at my a new job, it has been really hard keeping up with the blog. But I can’t put this off any longer and I am way overdue on all of my product reviews. I admit I did contact some companies, but there is a good amount of stuff where companies contacted me on their own (which I am always grateful for), and it’s too hard to say no to free stuff.
Anyways, back to running: the 5K Turkey Trot was about a week and a half after my first half marathon, the Silver Strand Half Marathon. The 13th Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Run was a very small race for 2K, 3K & 5K distances. It pretty much was a local race, but it was the nearest one to my LA house, and cheap enough to pay the day of the race. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Nov 16, 2009 under Race |

I just completed my first half marathon, the Silver Strand Half Marathon and the main takeaway I got from running my first half marathon: it’s very hard!! While I was waiting in line to use the restroom, a guy was talking to another guy about how on his last half marathon he said, “Man this is really tough, but I’m almost done. When I finally finished, I thought to myself, wow, I would have only been HALF done if this were a full marathon.” My thoughts exactly. First let’s get to the overall results on the half marathon: 1:38 (6:52, 6:41, 6:48, 6:44, 6:46, 6:47, 7:08, 7:36, miles 10-13.1: SLOW). Placing: 14th in my age group (20-24) out of 72, 181 out of 2600+ overall. It’s sad that I was on pace to hit my goal of sub-1:30, but then just flopped at the end. I’m not going to let that discourage me from running additional half marathons and dare I say, a full marathon!
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