Posted on Jan 26, 2023 under Running Tips |
When running, one of the biggest challenges is figuring out where to put your phone. After all, you want to be able to listen to music or track your progress, but you also don’t want to carry your phone in your hand or stuff it into your pocket. Fortunately, there are several options available for runners looking to keep their phones close at hand.
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Posted on Feb 14, 2018 under Running Tips |
Whether you’re looking for a new way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise or you’ve made a fresh commitment to becoming more active, trail running is a rewarding and fun activity. However, you can’t run at your peak level without proper hydration, regardless of your fitness level. Here are some methods to getting the best run and staying hydrated on your longer runs.
Follow the General Rule
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Posted on Oct 06, 2011 under Running Tips |
If you are having a hard time getting the most out of your running program maybe it is time you take a peek at some of the best abs exercises we found for runners. While the rectus abdominus muscles, also known as the ‘six pack’, may look pretty and well toned, they are the least important part of your middle as it relates to running. The deep abs (transversus abdominis), muscles along the spine, the spine-pelvis connector muscles, external, and internal obliques combine to be the key to core stabilization. You need more than just crunches to train these parts of the core; you need the best abs exercises if you want the best results. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jun 21, 2011 under Running Tips |
I was recently interviewed about trail running and featured on the Blog. Hopefully, it comes in handy for anyone interested in trail running.

Running on a path carved out by Mother Nature can prove to be much more of a challenge than that man-made track at the gym. Prepping for such a run requires additional planning and equipment.
Experienced trail runner Phong Chieng, who blogs about his outdoor excursions at Trail Running Blog, joins us this week to answer those questions. After running cross country for three years in high school as a way to stay out of trouble after school, Chieng has continued to train and blog. He shares tips on trail running, blogging and gear. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jul 11, 2010 under Running Tips |
Note: this was written January 31, but stuck in my drafts this whole time, what’s up with that? Anyways..
I didn’t even have a full week to celebrate my terrific showing at the Carlsbad Half before I had to get sick with a cold. On Wednesday morning after my run (just three days after my race), I noticed my nose running a little. It got worse when I was at work and was sneezing all day (and I’m a loud sneezer too!) I also played about 2 hours of basketball that night, which probably wasn’t the best idea, especially since I haven’t played in almost 6 months. I was already sore that night, so I had planned to just sleep in the next morning since I would be extra sore and getting extra sleep should help my body recover. I was still sneezing the next day at work and I started to get the ‘cold voice’, which I personally like. I was coughing a little too, but not to the point where I got chest pains every time it happened. I decided to take Friday off as well, just to be safe. But by this time, my legs were itching for a run already. So on Saturday, despite having to endure a never ending runny nose, I decided to go out for an easy trot. And it went surprisingly well. My pace may have been very slow, but I was happy I was out sweating off all the calories I didn’t get to burn off for the past two days. My breathing felt very normal and heart rate looked fine too. So I’m sitting here now wondering if the day’s run helped my body get better or just made it worse. So I decided to read what others had to say and their experiences with running while being sick, specifically with a cold.
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Posted on Sep 23, 2009 under Running Tips |
To prevent sweat from irritating your eyes while working or running, there are a few effective strategies you can try. One popular method is wearing a sweatband, which acts as a barrier and absorbs excess perspiration. Additionally, consider wearing a well-ventilated baseball cap with a liner to help divert sweat away from your face. Another useful tip is to apply a thin line of clear lip balm or petroleum jelly just above your eyebrows. This creates a protective barrier that helps redirect sweat away from your eyes. By implementing these techniques, you can keep sweat at bay and maintain clear vision during your work activities.
I read an article on Runner’s World not too long ago (awesome magazine btw, really feel bad for neglecting it recently..) about running in the heat and how hot weather affect runners. An experiment was conducted where a runner ran an hour at 8:30 min/mile on consecutive days, one at 53 degree temperatures and the next at 90 degrees. “On the hot run, my heart rate, temperature, and sweat loss spiked to levels that diminish performance while increasing health risks” I can totally relate from a run just the other day and another reason why I prefer running at night.
The topic of this post is about the sweat loss that occurs during a run and how to avoid getting that sweat in your eyes, which always seems to burn for some reason. According to that same article, at 53 degree temperatures, the runner lost 27.05 ounces during that hour run. But at 90 degree temperatures, he lost 54.10 ounces. I just pictured a regular, 20 ounce bottle of Gatorade and was amazed that I lose 1-2 bottles of sweat, how crazy is that?! Anyways, as I have been increasing my mileage, I have noticed how often sweat will get in my eyes and burn, making it hard to see. I have to keep wiping the sweat out of my eyes throughout the run, which just gets annoying. So I posed the question on Twitter and DailyMile and got some great responses. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Sep 01, 2009 under Running Tips |
When I first started running cross country in high school, I ran very short distances at first, only 2-3 miles per day. But eventually I built up to run 5-6 miles, which is a lot of miles for someone who never even ran one mile before joining cross country. I had actually lasted the whole summer without getting a full on injury, but I do remember icing my shins everyday after practice, so I was at the beginning stages of getting shin splints. The problem that I had once I got shin splints was that I didn’t stop running! It was only my coach’s second year and although he was a really fast runner in high school and college, he did not have enough experience as a coach. The only thing he told me to do was ice everyday, but never told me to stop running.. The shin splints did eventually go away toward the end of the season, but I had endure weeks, maybe even months of shin splints that were so bad, I was limping to and from class. I remember it was so bad that I had trouble putting on pants on in the morning, standing on the leg (with the shin splints) by itself would always cause me to fall over.
There are a couple of reasons why runners will get shin splints:
-Increased mileage (over 10% increase per week)
-New shoes not fit for the current runner
-Worn out shoes without enough tread and support
-Excessive concrete running
-Bad habits..not stretching
If you do happen to get shin splints, there is the acronym, RICE:
-R:Rest – let the muscles around your shin and leg heal by resting and avoiding as much contact as possible.
-I:Ice – Ice often, but not to the point where it is pointless. Ice your shins 15 minutes at a time to help limit swelling by reducing blood flow to the shins.
-C:Compression – In addition to icing, compression also helps limit swelling of the shins. Wrap an ACE bandage around the shins, or try wearing a pair of compression socks [link].
-E:Elevation – Elevation also helps reduce swelling and by elevating your legs by resting on some pillows to help reduce blood flow to your legs.
In addition,
-Do not increase mileage too drastically
-Make sure new shoes fit properly and provide enough support
-Get rid of old shoes as they will cause more damage than anything
-Find dirt trails or grass to run on instead of concrete
-Perform shin stretches to help with recovery:
-Stand on the end of a staircase, with your heels over the steps and slowly allow your body weight to bring your heels down below the step level and hold for 20 seconds.
-Walk on your toes with your heels pointed up and inward for 10 meters, then heels pointed outward.
-Walk on your heels with your toes pointed up and inward for 10 meeters, then toes pointed outward.
Some runners will take stuff like Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin or Ibuprofen, but non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), but too much of it then it acts as a COX-2 Inhibitor and actually DELAYS bone healing. But if none of this is helping the shins, then the worst-case scenario is a stress fracture. The last resort is to see a Sports Med MD and ask for an X-Ray/MRI, which may or may not result in rest than you would want as a runner.
A final thing to consider if you are stuck without running for a couple of weeks: cross training. Swimming, running or workouts in the pool or biking are great alternatives to running. Hopefully though, you can avoid getting shin splints in the first place and these workouts will be more of a supplement to running, rather than an alternative.
Shin splints are a very common leg injury that most runners will get at one point or another in their running career. This isn’t something that deters dedicated runners from choosing this as a career. Of course, if runners take the right precautions, they can avoid such such a painful injury. The official definition of shin splints is “pain along the shinbone (tibia) – the large bone at the front of your lower leg.” (MayoClinic) I unfortunately was not able to prevent it and got shin splints right when I started running, didn’t treat or take care of the injury the right way and ended up having a less than stellar first year of running than I would have expected.
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