Volleyball is a unique sport that has different movements than that of tennis, football, or basketball. As an athlete, you need the right equipment that keeps you safe on the court while giving you freedom of movement. Volleyball shoes are designed for the volleyball athlete. When you understand what makes them different than running shoes or cross trainers, you’ll have a better idea of what to look for when you’re shopping. Even though the shoes look similar, there are many differences in the design.
Soles and Midsoles
Running shoes are made with different material than volleyball shoes, because they are generally worn outside. Volleyball shoes have a sole made of a soft rubber that provides better traction on the court. It’s much softer than a running shoe, so you don’t want to wear your volleyball shoes outside on abrasive surfaces, because the sole would wear down quicker.
The midsole is the layer between the bottom of the shoe and the inside of the shoe. Volleyball shoes are designed to give a lot of support on the ball of your foot, where you spend a lot of time. This provides safety, support, and cushion for shock absorption and less risk of an injury. Regular tennis shoes provide different support, because they are designed for different motions.
Weight of the Shoe
You probably don’t think a few ounces of weight on your feet would make a big difference in your game. However, a lighter weight shoe improves your agility on the court. The materials used are still sturdy enough to provide the support you need during a game, but they won’t weigh you down as much. Try a pair of volleyball shoes from All Volleyball for one season and see how much different you play.
The Cost Difference
An athlete who plays one game a week and practices five days a week needs the right equipment for the game. The price of high quality volleyball shoes is not much different from the price of a high quality running shoe. The big difference is in the safety features. When you have the right support for your foot, you’re less likely to injure it. Volleyball shoes provide ankle stability, which also decreases the risk of injury.
How Should the Shoe Fit?
When purchasing a pair of volleyball shoes, you want your shoes to move with your feet, but you don’t want wiggle room inside the shoe. Think snug, but not tight. There should be less than a finger width between the top of the shoe and your toes. Get the right equipment to play the sport you love when you shop at All Volleyball.
The official definition of a triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines. The most common events are the swim, bike and run, but I just learned about the Wanderlust 108: a 5K run, yoga and then meditation. Obviously, the training and preparation for these events are a lot lower. Die hard athletes may not want to participate in this type of event, but you never know unless you give it a shot. The organizers of the race emphasize community above competition, inner peace above power, and self-awareness above strength. You may not run your fastest 5K or place in your age group, but from the sounds of it, you’ll definitely have a good time and enjoy the company of others in an event like this. In addition to the 3 events, there will be live bands and DJs on the main stage, lawn activities like hooping, slacklining and acroyoga, as well as local food and craft vendors throughout the day.
Believe it or not, this is actually an event I am really looking forward to. I’ve been running for at least 10 years, but I have rarely taken a break from it. I’ve biked and swam every now and then as well as made visits to the gym part of my routine. I’ve always been interested in yoga and know it is a very beneficial activity for a runner like me. I almost never stretch before or after a run and have constant back pain and have heard that yoga is a great way to build your core. In addition, I’ve always wanted to get into meditation as I’ve heard it’s a great way to de-stress and help you stay calm in hectic situations. Working in my industry, stress really just comes with the territory, it’s unavoidable. But dealing with that stress is something I have trouble with and feel like meditation is a potential solution. I’m hoping that participating in the Wanderlust 108 will help jump start a routine of consistent yoga and meditation sessions. Learn more about Wanderlust 108 here and consider participating in one of the upcoming events this year!
What are the odds that this is the 2nd race in a row that the sponsor is Kaiser Permanente? Even though this was technically a destination race, I really did not plan to run it until a week or 2 (max) before the event. I knew I was going to be in San Francisco for a client meeting, but it wasn’t confirmed until the very last minute on a Friday. I decided to make a weekend out of it and since I would be in the neighborhood, I thought it’d be fun to run a race in one of the hilliest cities in the country! Fortunately, most of the race was downhill and I almost ran a PR because of that. Here are the results: 19:29 5K (6:17 min/mile), 3/71 AG and 27/2,253 overall. The last time I placed in a race like this, I chalked it up to all the faster runners doing the half marathon. But the time was pretty impressive, it was actually over a minute faster from the 5K I ran just a week before. I was able to run a much slower first mile and pace myself for the rest of the race, it definitely helped that the last mile in this race was downhill while the last race was uphill the last mile!
Trying to decorate your apartment, but stuck with a slim-to-nothing budget? Don’t worry! There are plenty of simple, cheap ways to give your home a boost. Read on for tips and shop here if you’re a sports fan!
1. Gather your personal photos, magazine cutouts, and favorite prints to create a gallery wall – no frames needed! Need more images? Pull out photo pages from yearly calendars that you’re no longer using.
2. If you love fashion, hammer a thin nail into the wall and display your favorite frocks on pretty hangers. You can also display your favorite jeans by securing a towel rack to the wall and hanging jeans from their belt loops on hooks.
3. Can’t find the perfect window treatments in affordable prices? Use fabric shower curtains instead!
4. Create a makeshift bracelet holder out of old wine bottles by piling the bracelets over the neck of the bottle.
5. Browse secondhand shops for a vintage folding rack, which can be used for a host of things, from holding scarves to storing towels.
6. During the winter, your sarongs and thin scarves probably go unused. Put them to work by using them as tablecloths for end tables and colorful accents on chairs and couches.
7. Do you have a tiny bathroom with limited storage space? Throw a clear shoe holder over the door and use it to organize your toiletries, cleaning supplies, and brushes.
8. Knobs are super cheap to buy and they can be nailed to the wall to serve as hangers for bags, scarves, coats, and more.
9. Turn a small mirror into a tray and arrange books, perfume bottles, scented lotions, and candles on top of them.
10. If you’re in college or you have a home office, you probably have schedules, calendars, and other printouts that you need to glance at several times during the day. Print them out on sturdy paper and hang them from laundry clips for a shabby chic look.
If you’re not in love with your home, don’t wait until you move to be happy with your surroundings. Invest some time in making your home a place you love to be – it costs much less than you think it will.
The official name of this race is actually the 3rd Annual Kaiser Permanente Carmel Valley 5K & Fun Run 2015. As the name states, this race actually benefits quite a few schools in the community, see the full list here. Most people start off the new year running more than other months, trying to meet some type of New Year’s Resolution goal. But since I was running a lot the last few months, training for a few half marathons, I went back to just working out at the gym. So I didn’t get to train as much for this race as I would have liked, but did well considering the circumstances. Results: 20:48 (6:43 min/mile), 4/15 age group, 32/937 overall. I actually looked at the past few year’s results and for some reason, there were never too many finishers in my age group. A part of me was thinking I could place in my age group, but there were a lot more people that ran in my age group this year (which is a good thing), and the runner who placed 3rd ran much faster, so at least it wasn’t like I just got edged out of placing. Overall, it was a fun race, well organized, but definitely challenging (totally didn’t expect those hills!) Read the rest of this entry »
There are many things to consider when purchasing fitness equipment from locations such as Fitness1st.com. The price of the government should be taken into consideration. The durability of the equipment results of something for folks to consider when they are trying to decide which products to purchase. The likelihood that they will use the products on a consistent basis is also an important consideration with so many options available.
The Usability
Figuring out how a person is going to use the equipment they purchase is one of the most important things they can do. Understanding found the equipment purchased will fit into the normal or routine is essential to maximize each purchase. When people understand how they’re going to use the products they purchase they are making a wise investment for their athletic future.
People only have so much money to invest in fitness equipment. This means they need to be careful about how much they spend on these items so that they can maximize the value of every purchase. Comparison shopping is often necessary for individuals who were attempted to purchase many items which will be counterproductive to their overall fitness goals. Sometimes consulting with a personal trainer or other professionals can be helpful in trying to make selections that.
People who do a lot of traveling will also want to make sure that the products they purchased are durable. The majority of individuals who are serious about physical fitness are interested in traveling in experiencing as much of the world as possible. This means that these individuals will be focused on trying to produce products which will be helpful to their reaching of their goals that no matter where they are in the world.
Those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease experience memory loss and confusion, and this can be scary for both the patient and loved ones. One worries about becoming more impaired as well as those around them wondering if they too will one day have it. Fortunately, diet can improve one’s effects of Alzheimer’s along with reducing the chances of having it. There are many books available on the subject.
It is important to understand what causes alzheimers. It is caused by factors that include environment, lifestyle, and genetics. All of these can affect the brain. Even though the exact cause can’t be pinpointed, we do know that this disease causes damage and can kill the brain cells. As more cells die, the brain shrinks. Read the rest of this entry »
Why be like everyone else and resolve to go to the gym again? Take it to another level and compete in a race or event. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, consider one of the most extreme obstacle races like the Spartan Race. I am proud to say that I attempted and completed my first Spartan Race a few months ago and as I mentioned in my race report, it was one of the hardest races I have ever participated in. This race really appeals to all sorts of individuals: runners, fitness buffs (I’m looking at you CrossFitters!), bucket list goers, and individuals who do not like to compete but want participate in a fun and organized event. Fair warning: the Spartan Race is not like your typical mud run or color run, you’ll definitely need to train and prepare for this race. But as their slogan goes, ‘you’ll know at the finish line’! Read the rest of this entry »
If the hair on your body gets to the point where you aren’t sure if you want to shave or remove the hair with wax, then consider the benefits of hair removal devices. There are several devices that you can order now online that are easy to use and will keep the hair off of the body for several weeks. It makes it easier to wear clothing that reveals more skin as well as making you feel more comfortable without the hair.
Razors are the least expensive, and you can get them just about anywhere. It’s easy to use a razor as long as you have a little water and a cream that will make the hair soft. Electric razors can also be used, but they are ideal for smaller areas, like on the face. Wax is an option if you want to get rid of hair on larger areas of the body. This includes the legs and arms. Be careful when using wax as some of them might cause irritations on the skin. Laser hair removal is something to consider when you want to permanently remove hair, or get it as permanently gone as possible. This kind of removal is often done by a professional, but there are some products that do similar things at home.
This has been an interesting time to be a running blogger. I have been getting a lot of holiday gift guide requests from relevant and completely random companies. I’ve definitely found some products more useful than others, but it was still fun to try new things that I’ve never heard of or would have using unless I was actually sent them. Hopefully some of these last minute gift ideas will be useful.
BackBeat FIT, wireless fitness-focused earbuds are ready for any workout fan, and the gift giver can be happy knowing that they offer safety features for outdoor athletes.
I’ve tested quite a few wireless, Bluetooth headsets before and these are hands down, the best ones I’ve used. There are a couple of criteria that make a good pair of wireless, Bluetooth headphones: weight, connectivity, usability, battery life, water/sweat resistance. These only weigh 24 grams, are very easy to connect to your device, wrap around the ear so they never fall off while in use and last up to 8 hours with constant audio status alerts of battery life. The most important feature for me is definitely weight and staying in my ears while in use. The Platntronics BackBeat FIT do all of that and more.