Posted on Dec 12, 2014 under health |
While hours upon hours of practice are necessary for athletes to excel at their sport, overdoing it often causes athletes to experience hip pain that results in constant discomfort and sometimes prohibits them from playing. To ensure that this pain does not turn into a chronic issue, athletes should pay attention to any problems they experience with their hip and identify the cause of their pain.
Sports Medicine-Related Hip Injuries
There are many different types of sports medicine-related hip injuries that athletes suffer from. However, some of the most common problems include hip pointer issues, stress fractures, and a condition known as hip impingement.
Hip pointer injuries occur when the overlying muscle and bone of the top of the hip are bruised. This type of injury can happen suddenly and causes intense pain. Hip impingement injuries often occur within young and middle-aged athletes. Athletes may suffer from this type of hip injury when the bones of their hip no longer fit together perfectly and rub up against the joint. As a result, the hip joint can incur irreparable damage. Stress fractures are also highly common amongst athletes because they occur as a result of repetitive trauma to the hip bone over time. While any type of athlete can incur a stress fracture, they are most often seen amongst long distance runners. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Dec 05, 2014 under health |
In order to have a more enjoyable and active lifestyle, you need strong bones. Sometimes, it seems difficult to get as much calcium as you need in your diet. In some cases, you might not be able to tolerate dairy products. Using a calcium supplement like can help keep your bones strong. Here’s why strong bones are important.
Smaller Chance of A Break
Weak and brittle bones are more easily broken or fractured. Breaking a bone can cause you significant pain and discomfort. In some cases, a broken bone can limit your activities while they heal and incur large medical bills.
Easier Movement And Flexibility
Strong bones are the foundation of a strong and healthy body. When your bones are strong, you will find it easier to move and get active. Bending over and reaching out for these are more easily accomplished with healthy bones.
More Active Lifestyle
When it easier to move around and not worry about broken bones, you will lead a more active lifestyle. You might decide to take up running or enjoy your spare time on long bike rides. With healthy bones, you will find being active more fun and less worrisome.
No matter what age you are, it is never too soon to start thinking about your bone health. In fact, the sooner you start the better you will feel throughout your lifetime. Adding a calcium supplement to your diet is one of the best ways to ensure bone health.
Posted on Nov 23, 2014 under Race |

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon & Half Marathon is probably one of biggest races of the year, definitely on one of the most famous stages that you can imagine (running down the Las Vegas Strip at night!). I forget the exact number, but this race has taken place in Las Vegas for a few years now and I’ve always wanted to run it since I heard about it. I had a friend run this race the first year they had it in Vegas and heard about a lot of issues for the inaugural race. Fortunately, the Rock ‘n’ Roll team learned from those mistakes and have improved in those areas. The real reason I ran this race was because a friend who had always wanted to run a half marathon chose this particular race to be her first half, not a bad choice. I was also able to convince another friend to sign up, so we tried to make this a group event. There were many perks for running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas half marathon, which I’ll get into. But Meb Keflezighi was also going to run this race and was pacing the 1:45 half marathon group. As mentioned in my Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego half marathon race report, you may remember that I tried to run with him for the 1:30 pace, but was only able to run 7 miles with him before falling back. I was very confident that I would be able to run the 1:45 time and was looking forward to running the whole race with Meb. Here are the official results: 1:43:35 (7:55 min/mile), AG: 94/778, gender: 695/9340, overall: 871/25,172.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Nov 21, 2014 under Reviews |
I still remember the first time I tried FRS, it was in early 2010 after I PRed in my half marathon and had run a near perfect race in Carlsbad. FRS was handing out samples of this energy drink at the vendor booths. I was able to try quite a few flavors and really liked each one. Unfortunately, I was never really able to find them sold in stores so haven’t had it much since then. So when I heard about this campaign, I was more than happy to participate in the Two-10 Discovery Challenge. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Nov 11, 2014 under Race |
For anyone who has competed in a race before, you must have crossed the finish line, got your medal and when you finally look at the results on your watch, you’re surprised to see a distance that is not the exact mileage you expected to run. I just checked all of the half marathon race reports I published in the last few years and here are the ones where I had something other than the official 13.1 mile distance: 13.23, 13.22, 13.54, 13.23, 13.16, 13.06, 13.01. I think most runners know about things like running tangents and how the start of a race may involve zig zagging around slower runners. But it’s interesting to read how each race is actually measured. Check out this infographic from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series that describes the very detailed process and special tools that are used to measure each one of their courses. Cool stuff!!

Posted on Nov 08, 2014 under Race |
This is the third time running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon. This race was #2 of 3 in my Rock ‘n’ Roll Tourpass, #3 being the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas half coming up in a few weeks! I was initially planning to run the San Jose half to get the Cali Combo medal (run 3 of the 4 California races), but a friend wanted to run Vegas and who can say no to a trip there? As usual, I didn’t have any specific goals for this race, but I did run a 1:31 a few months ago in San Diego, so I was hoping to run no slower than 1:35 (my default goal time). The results were quite surprising: 1:31:17, 6:57 min/mile, age group: 20 out of 483, gender: 94 out of 3202 and overall: 103 out of 7821. The only time I broke 1:30 was in my second half marathon over 4 years ago and I haven’t really gotten close since then. I thought so at the time and I still do now, that race was just a series of events that worked out perfectly for me (just enough water/food before the race, not going out too fast at the beginning, not wasting time at the water station, cool temperatures, etc.) But I’m pretty sure if I dedicate real training for a race, I could beat that time! Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Oct 11, 2014 under Race |
After completing the Spartan Race, I knew that running the Del Mar Mud Run would be a nice change. In comparison, this race was shorter (5K vs 12 miles), cooler (80 vs 100 degrees), with easier and less obstacles (16 vs 28) and at a slower pace. I was participating in this race with a co-worker and her husband so it was a nice change from running solo like I do in most races. I was also able to get some great footage on my GoPro. The organizer of the Del Mar Mud Run is Vavi, who does a lot of the social events and sports leagues in San Diego. Knowing they were involved, I knew this would be more about fun than competition (which I was fine with). Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Oct 11, 2014 under Race |

The Spartan Race is hands down, the hardest race I’ve ever participated in. This includes all the marathons I’ve ran (even the thunderstorm at the LA Marathon), trail race with the ‘widow maker’ hill. This race combined all of the worst possible scenarios you could ask for in a race: extreme temperatures (100+ degrees), long distances (12+ miles), multiple difficult obstacles (28) and a lingering cough to top things off. The mere fact that I completed the race was an achievement in itself, let alone being able to successfully succeed in all but one obstacle (darn you spear throw!) This worked out since I had not practiced doing burpees at all.. My training program leading up to this event was pretty basic compared to others I know who have completed this race before. Here are the official results: 3:27:05, age group place: 31, gender place: 151, overall place: 170. The two things I said when I posted my results on Facebook: it was a respectable time (which I agree) and that I’ll never do this race again (maybe)! Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jul 27, 2014 under health |
I’ve always wanted to try going on a diet. I’m not overweight and I exercise daily, but I rarely watch what I eat and most of the stuff I do eat is quite unhealthy. I know people who never exercise, but do maintain healthy diets and are in very good shape. The reason why I would want to try going on a diet is to see if I can actually stick with it. I’ve been on training programs which have been quite difficult, but if I need to follow a strict diet, can I really resist eating all of the foods I was used to before? I don’t know. And like I said before, I’m not overweight, but I just got a digital scale and have been checking my weight every morning (and sometimes in the evening). It’s interesting to see how much my weight fluctuates depending on what I ate that day and if I ran that morning.
Medifast California published a very interesting infographic about the diet trends through the years. I’ve heard of most of them, but like I said before, never tried any. If I were to try one of these diets on the list, it’d probably be the Mediterranean Diet, since it looks like the most normal diet (and easiest to transition to). Those bizarre ones are crazy, I’ve heard about the tapeworm diet, that’s just dieting to the extreme! Check out the infographic below!

Posted on Jun 25, 2014 under run |
Watching my weight was never a concern, especially in high school. Running 40+ miles a week allowed us to eat full meals (appetizer, entree, dessert and 4-5 glasses of lemonade) without remorse. Of course, things change when you get older, I’ve spoken to colleagues who talk about how their metabolism basically flips like a light switch after a certain age (crossing my fingers that happens much later!). The following marathon infographic highlights what how many miles you’d need to run to burn off the calories associated to each item along with other activities that would equal running a marathon. Like I said, I’ve never been a calorie counter, but these stats are pretty interesting! Definitely makes you think twice when debating whether or not to have that extra slice of bacon 🙂