Why Running is the Best Way to Exercise During a Pandemic
Posted on Apr 16, 2021 under running | No Comment
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in gyms and fitness classes pausing all operations. The threat of COVID-19 infections and deaths, loss of jobs, and the uncertainty of normal living has led to an abundance of stress across the globe. With gyms closed, consumers began purchasing exercise equipment to work from home. Running is one of the cheapest forms of exercise since all you really need is a pair of running shoes. Unless you are buying used exercise equipment, they can get very expensive. Anyone can get into running, they can start by walking, work their way to jogging then running. Running helps release endorphins and stress that has been building up since the pandemic began.
Running has also been shown in many medical studies to aid in the recovery of injuries and to reduce stress on the body. It helps us maintain our heart muscles among many others. It improves concentration and mental focus. And best of all, it helps curb the spread of disease. There are a lot of reasons why we should continue to run, even during the pandemic.
Running as a way of prevention is a good idea in stressful and uncertain times such as these. The benefits of regular exercise are myriad, from improving heart health to reducing the risk of certain diseases and even improving memory while increasing concentration and muscle memory. There is a subset of runners (and walkers) who argue that exercise is one of the easiest ways to reduce the stress in our collective lives, allows us to unwind, combat obesity, and even avoid death from natural causes. The is so much evidence that supports these claims along with my personal experience with exercise while living through this pandemic.
Running is one of the best ways to exercise during a pandemic. The reason is, even if you are at work, you don’t have to worry about going outside and dealing with other people that might be sick. You can still exercise at home. This prevents other people from looking dejected because they had to cancel their run because there was nowhere to run. Best of all, this type of exercise strengthens your immune system which can help you fight off any sort of infectious disease.
There are a lot of reasons that you should start running, but the best and fastest way is to partner up with someone when you have the time to join a running club or start your own. These clubs are largely filled with people who have the time and dedication to follow a particular running routine to keep in excellent shape. Working out together will ensure that you’re getting the quickest results while working toward a bigger goal, whether it is related to health and fitness or something completely different.