4-Cities Run Deja Vu

Posted on May 20, 2008 under Training | 1 Comment

Saturday, January 5, 2002
Workout: 1 lap around Arcadia Park warm-up, 3 laps around the Park, up Santa Anita Ave. around a block of streets, and finish at the top of the hill on Santa Anita
Weather: sunny/warm

I wanted to cap off this pretty successful week with a good hard run today. Unfortunately, it was not quite what I had in mind. Fernando’s last minute workout was very similar to the dreaded 4 cities workout a couple of months ago. The 4 cities workout is what the name is, a run through 4 cities. I forgot what 4 cities they were, but included Sierra Madre and Arcadia. It was a really bad workout for me, just because the conditions were not the way I was used to. Some of the things I didn’t like about the run: it was very long (I have always liked shorter distances), I didn’t know where I was going (there were no reference points, except a lot of phone booths), this was an ad-hoc workout, so my coach just named the streets we probably should have turned on, and there were no mile markers (so I had no idea what pace I was going at..probably really slow though). Read the rest of this entry ยป

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