AFC Half Marathon Race Report

Posted on Aug 15, 2010 under Race | 3 Comments

Another weekend, another race. Like I said in a previous post, I have had a race every other weekend since July 4th; I think I’m in need of a break. The good news is that it doesn’t look like I will have any races for the next couple of weeks, which is good. So the America’s Finest City (AFC) Half Marathon is the 3rd race in the Half Marathon Triple Crown. It wasn’t as tough as the La Jolla Half Marathon, but I wasn’t able to beat my PR that I got when I ran the Carlsbad Half Marathon either. Here are the results: 1:32:08, 32/425 Age Group, 188/6646 Overall. As I was driving home from this race, I was trying to figure out how I felt about my overall performance. The time is technically my 2nd best half marathon time, it’s just looking at my splits, I felt like I could have gotten a lot closer (or even beaten) my PR, even with the dreaded ‘6th Avenue Hill’ at mile 11.5. This race felt very similar to my first half marathon. I ran it a little too hard at the beginning and ran out of gas toward the last few miles. However this time, it was more like the last 2-3, rather than 5-6, which is a definite improvement. But now that I have had time to reflect (and sleep!), I realize that it was a very solid effort, nothing to be sad about, then again it feels like I say that about all of my races. I heard that this race a couple of years ago was terrible because of the heat. I couldn’t have asked for better race conditions today, you could even say it was perfect racing weather! It was also well organized and I got my ridiculously big Triple Crown medal, really not much to complain about. Read the rest of this entry »

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