Certain Dri Feet & Anti-Perspirant Products Review

Posted on Jul 15, 2009 under Reviews | 2 Comments

I was given the opportunity to review a variety of Certain Dri products including: Certain Dri Feet Microsponge Powder, Moisture Control Pads and Solid Anti-Perspirant. To be honest, I have never really heard of this brand before and the packaging makes it look like a very generic product. But after reading about the product, I found out that it has been the number-one doctor-recommended brand for over 30 years. I have never used products for foot odor or moisture before, but I’m sure if I asked around what others use, I’m sure a good amount of them would mention this product. And about the Certain Dri Solid Anti-Perspirant, I have grown up using the most common types of deodorant and anti-perspirant on the market, Right Guard, Axe, Old Spice, etc. and I thought they were doing their job..


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