Half Training Week 4: September 29 – October 4, 2009

Posted on Oct 04, 2009 under running, Training | 2 Comments

This week was a pretty productive week, however in addition to my usual off day on Monday, I decided to take a nap on Wednesday instead of run. I guess it wasn’t that big of a deal since that day was an off/cross-train/easy run day anyways. I just feel that I need to run as much miles as possible to build up my endurance for the half. On that day though, I was just pooped, before work, at, and afterwards. It was funny because when I briefly woke up at 8:30PM that night, I disregarded the fact that it was dark and thought to myself, ‘dang it, I’m late for work’. Immediately after I realized it was night time, I so just went back to bed, it was nice! Read the rest of this entry »

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