Running Trail Map Legend (Total Miles)

Posted on Mar 11, 2008 under Trail | No Comment

Here is a quick guide to the number of miles each checkpoint is in our running trail. As I have said in a previous post, the trail begins at a water tower and is a bike path through a wash. We run along the path, which is adjacent to a nearby driving range/golf course. Halfway through the first mile, you can finally start running on a real dirt/rubble trail. Live Oak and beyond is pretty much a horse trail (actual horses run on it!) with some sandy parts, and gravel as well. Now that I think about it, it was pretty tough running on our trail, and there have been times when we have tweaked our ankles because of the surfaces, we always had to be aware of what was ahead of us.
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The Running Trail Map

Posted on Mar 08, 2008 under Trail | 1 Comment

Trail Running Map
So our high school has been running on this trail for many many years, won many champsionships (even a state championship) training on this trail. It begins as a bike road along a wash, going along a golf course (there are horror stories about driving range nuts trying to behead us with golf balls). Once we get to the first street (Live Oak), it is pretty much all trail or dirt. This Google Map shows the trail from beginning to end. For a better look, check out the original Google Map that I screen-grabbed this from.

I think my next post will be the first entry in the running log/journal that I kept during my Junior year in high school.

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