Posted on Aug 05, 2008 under Trail |
Sunday, January 13, 2002
Workout: Warmup to Live Oak, Hard to The End and back to Live Oak, Cooldown Live Oak (Total 9 miles)
Time: 51:33 Weather: cold, then sunny
Today’s run on the trail was the first one since Wednesday, so I didn’t know if the three days off would kill me or help me run even faster. So we came in the morning and everybody came except Fernando. He came to the trail late, but was in street clothes. He said he had to be somewhere so he would run later on in the day. But before he left, we just stood in a small circle just talking and telling jokes. We finally started running and warmed up to Live Oak. After stretching at Live Oak, we took off, and as we started running, Frank was going kind of slow (as a joke), so I passed him.. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jul 29, 2008 under Training |
Wednesday, January 9, 2002
Workout: Perimeter + 2 laps around the track, 2-200 meter strides, 4-1 mile repeats at 6 minute pace, 1 mile cooldown
Time: 6:00, 6:00, 6:21, 5:56 Weather: warm, windy
Intervals were planned as usual, however, since Fernando heard we were a little sluggish, he said 6-minute miles, which shouldn’t be that hard. That pace should have been “easy”, but comfortable. So we ran our warm-up and did strides like usual, then we got into the workout. This was the first time we did mile repeats, so I guess it was a new experience. The week before, we ran 1200 meter intervals, but this was one more lap, which makes a big difference.
The first on we did and finished, I was pretty tired and so was Andrew, but it might have just been because we were a little sluggish. We finished running the second interval and on to the third. On the third mile interval, we ran our first lap slower than the pace, but Fernando said to slowly work our way up, because we had 3 laps to catch up.. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jul 25, 2008 under Trail |
Tuesday, January 8, 2002
Workout: Easy to Camino
Time: Easy Weather: Sunny/warm
Running up to Camino, we thought it was going to be an easy run, but we were running with an old classmate and he made the workout not as easy as we expected. We ran up hard until Longden and then a couple of them stopped, including the old runner. Frank and I continued to Longden and immediately toned down the pace. Frank said that he killed the old runner, and I thought that was pretty funny. I think it was his first couple of days back to running, and I guess he was trying to show off. We stopped at the 2 mile mark and rested for a while. We then started running back together, but at a much easier pace. At the dirt downhill, Frank slowed down to do something, so I kept running with another runner. But right before the cement, Frank caught up to us and it looked like he was going to kick, so I went with him. I finished the run right before Frank medium, kind of hard. Then, after resting a while, he said we should do strides. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jul 21, 2008 under Trail |
Monday, January 7, 2002
Workout: medium/comfortable to Duarte
Time: slow (easy) Weather: warm
Today was the first day of school after winter break. I felt kind of weird to be running, it may have been because we were running at a different time of day, but it could have also been because I was tired from having to get up so early for school and then having to have to run after. I wasn’t necessarily tired, but I just didn’t feel like running. I guess this happens when you run 6-7 days a week for months at a time. There just doesn’t seem to be an end to it. So for today’s run on the trail, we went a little easier than usual, probably because there were other runners out there that didn’t really run like they were supposed to during the winter break. I was kind of glad though, but I should have made it some kind of workout and at some points in the run, I felt that I could have easily picked up the pace a little. Everyone started running before us and we were the last group of runners on the trail. Coming up, Felipe kind of took off and I tried to keep up with him. We stopped at the 2-mile mark and started resting. But Frank came by and told us to keep going (to Duarte), so we kept running. It’s always good to have other runners around to push you. If I were running alone, it would be a lot easier to slow down or even worse, stop running. But with other runners around, you sort of have to be on your toes, and even better, they’ll be around to push you when you need help. So we ran together as a pack, but I started falling back. So as I was falling back, Frank called me up to the group and that was enough for me to give a little surge to catch up. I mean, it wasn’t a hard pace, it was just the distance between me and the group was the hard part. So, once I got over that part, the rest was easier. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on May 20, 2008 under Training |
Saturday, January 5, 2002
Workout: 1 lap around Arcadia Park warm-up, 3 laps around the Park, up Santa Anita Ave. around a block of streets, and finish at the top of the hill on Santa Anita
Weather: sunny/warm
I wanted to cap off this pretty successful week with a good hard run today. Unfortunately, it was not quite what I had in mind. Fernando’s last minute workout was very similar to the dreaded 4 cities workout a couple of months ago. The 4 cities workout is what the name is, a run through 4 cities. I forgot what 4 cities they were, but included Sierra Madre and Arcadia. It was a really bad workout for me, just because the conditions were not the way I was used to. Some of the things I didn’t like about the run: it was very long (I have always liked shorter distances), I didn’t know where I was going (there were no reference points, except a lot of phone booths), this was an ad-hoc workout, so my coach just named the streets we probably should have turned on, and there were no mile markers (so I had no idea what pace I was going at..probably really slow though). Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on May 01, 2008 under Trail |
Friday, January 4, 2002
Workout: medium/relaxed to Duarte
Time: pretty fast (6 minute last mile) Weather: sunny/warm
Today’s run on the trail was supposed to be a stick-together, fast and relaxed run. It wasn’t supposed to be a killer run because tomorrow, we were going to have to have a very tough workout. However, this doesn’t mean that we should dog the workout, because every run still helps out in the long run. So coming up on the trail, we pretty much stuck together, more or less. At the beginning of the run, Frank took off, like it was his hard workout. But he either started to slow down or we picked it up a little more. Toward the end of the first half of the run, it was Felipe who was leading it. So we came up with Felipe first and then me right behind him. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Mar 23, 2008 under Training |
Monday, December 31, 2001
Work-out: 5 Miles Medium/Comfortable to Duarte
Time: Pretty Good, Weather: Chilly but good for running
Coming up, I tried staying with Fernando. The first mile I pretty much hung with him, but it killed me. He said he was going up medium and coming back fast. So if he went up medium and I was dying, then I wonder how I would feel coming back with him? Evan and Ha ran up to Duarte while Fernando went to the Railroad. Evan and Ha were resting at Duarte when I got there. We waited pretty long, I was planning on stopping for about a minute, but they ended up staying longer. Then when we started heading back, there were going pretty slow. Ha said it was a “good” (as in easy) pace, but it was supposed to be a medium day. I guess they were hurting so much they had to go that easy. However, at Live Oak, we turned around and saw Fernando waiting to cross the street. He caught us even though he went one street further! So the rest of them decided to pick it up so he wouldn’t catch us. At the half mile mark, I guess Ha was trying to make his “move”, but I surged to keep up with him. I surged a little every now and then and then finally passed him. Right before the downhill, I started to pull away, but still felt good. Again, I still had enough energy for a kick.
Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Work-out: 4 Miles Easy/Recovery to Camino
Time: Pretty fast for easy, Weather: Cool & hot at the end
The Cabreras didn’t show up today, but it was no surprise, seeing last night was New Year’s Eve and all. It was fine though, we knew what we had to do. Coming up, Frank was going pretty hard to Duarte. He turned around and stopped for me at Live Oak. We ran together and he asked me to go to Duarte with him. I couldn’t do it though because I was dying just keeping up with him. So at Camino, I turned right back and a little bit later, I saw Ha. Similarly to Saturday’s run, I surged ever once in a while and passed him. After each street, I would turn back to see how far behind me he was. At Live Oak, I turned around and saw that he was pretty close. But when I finished he was barely at the end of the downhill which is a pretty big gap. The real test will be tomorrow, when we finally start doing intervals on the track. That is the real time to show how much you improved and I hope I do well and run my times.
Posted on Mar 13, 2008 under Training |

Note: It feels kind of weird jumping from races that happened the year before (2000) and then training on the trail a year after(2001), but I don’t really remember runs from when I first started cross country, and the only reason why I remember the runs after is because I kept a log. There aren’t that many races in a season, so I should catch up to more present time (even though the logs are still from 6 years ago). Hope no one is too confused.
Sunday, December 30, 2001
Work-out: 4 Mile Recovery/Easy to Camino
Time: 25/26 Minutes, Weather: Cool with Small Drizzle
I was pretty sore from yesterday, especially my calves (which is a good thing because that meant I was running on my toes, which I don’t think I do that often). Frank called to play basketball so I decided to run before at about four. As Ha was parking, we saw the Roosas and Fernando on the trail, so we ran with them. Coming up was alright, pretty fast for an easy/recovery run, but the rain made it easier. Just before we got to Camino, Ha decided to pick it up and tried to win it, but I didn’t let it happened and ran with him and outkicked him in the end. While resting at Camino, Fernando saw a “No Dumping” sign on the other side of the fence. He took it and ran back (pretty fast if you ask me) with the sign in his hands. Stealing that sign just made the run a little more interesting, and I still don’t know how he did it. His form must have been really bad and holding a sign like that would be pretty tiring. Anyways, back to running: again as we were finishing to the water tower, there was a pick-up. There usually is, just because it’s the end of a run and as runners, we have a tendency to finish runs (especially races, ie the kick) really fast.Whatever it was, we finished the last half mile at a much faster pace then the rest of the run. I out kicked them with not much effort, probably because it was an easy run and I had a lot of energy left. Check out the post for the previous run that I had..
Posted on Mar 07, 2008 under Random |
I guess this should have been my first post, but I created the About The Trail Running Blog page, so thought it would have been a sufficient explanation, but I will try to elaborate a little bit more.
I have wanted to start this running blog for quite some time now, but due to other events in my life, I never came around to doing it. I also didn’t know enough about blogging to truly make this work the way I wanted it to. So I patiently waited, for the right moment to start this.
Back in high school, I was told by my coach to start and keep a running log/journal of my runs, just to have to look back on in the future. So I did just that: I sat down and wrote about each run good or bad. Although it has not done much but bring back fond (and depressing) memories of past running experiences I had. Now that I have been able to set up this blog and upkeep it on a daily basis, I will share my stories, hoping to relate to others who have (had) the same passion for running that I used to have or still do, and hope to revive that passion that I once had.
Almost 5 years after running in my last track season, I have tried to get back to running on a daily basis. I have attempted this before, numerous times, to no avail. Either I was too busy with work, or too tired from it, I was never able to consistently run. I have run 3 times in the last 4 days, which is quite a feat for me. I hope I can run 4-5 times a week, for now, which is weak sauce since I ran 7 times a week in high school, 3-10 miles a day, as opposed to 1-2.5 these days.
But the fact that I can still run that long without having to stop for air or water, I think it just shows that I still have the running mentality in me. I am also getting inspiration from my Husky, Molly by having a companion with me while I run. Although she pulls like no other, and is afraid of the dark and sewer drains, she is still happy to get out of the house every now and then. Little does she know she is actually keeping me inspired to run every day.
I will try and post old running log entries as well as new ones from current runs that I find blog-worthy, not to mention any other running facts or knowledge that I can muster out of this old runner’s brain..