Posted on Sep 14, 2009 under running |
After all of that waiting and anticipation, I finally got my half marathon training started. Even though it was just the first week, I wanted to make sure I got it started on the right track. What is pretty cool about this half marathon training program is that there are only 3 real workouts that I need to focus on each week: Tuesday speed intervals, Thursday/Friday tempo runs, and Saturday/Sunday long runs. Every other day is either off, cross training or an easy run. I’ve ran recent workouts at or faster than the paces that I plan to run these workouts, so I should be able to do each workout. I just have to tell myself before each hard workout that I can do it because I HAVE done it before. The weekend long run seems like a pretty important workout since that is the day where I’ll be running more and more miles until that peak weekend when I run just a little more than a half marathon, which if completed, will guarantee that I COULD finish a half marathon. However, pacing will definitely be an issue come race day since I have a tendency to start off too fast within that first mile and if that happens in a half marathon race, it is going to be a long 12.1 miles. I’m hoping the interval workouts, tempo runs as well as long runs will help me learn the correct pace to start at and keep during the half marathon. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jun 07, 2009 under track |
Workout: 1 mile warm up, 4-1 mile repeats at 6:40 pace, 1 mile cool down
Time: 6:39 (172 bpm, 127 calories); 6:38 (181 bpm, 137 calories); 6:39 (183 bpm, 140 calories); 6:23 (186 bpm, 138 calories) 1:24 all out last lap. Peak HR: 201.
Weather: Sunny and windy around the backstretch and final 100 meter
The last time I ran on the track, I ran one mile all out just to see what kind of shape I was in. I was pretty happy with running a 6:02 considering it wasn’t that long after I started running again. Fast forward a couple of months after a lot more miles and even an actual race under my belt, I decided to try mile repeats on the track, which is an interval workout which I used to do in high school all the time. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Apr 13, 2009 under Random |
Workout: 2 lap warm-up, 1 mile “Race”, 2 lap cool-down
Time: 6:02 Weather/Condition: Windy on the last 100 meters of the track
Best Week Ever!
I’m going to make a live post today, rather than going to my journal. The only reason for doing so is because I actually had a race-like run the other day and I really wanted to say something about the current events that are going on. Feel free to read the first part and ignore the rest, which is my little rant. 🙂
So this past week was the first time I ran 3 days in a row, which is quite an accomplishment for me, considering how I used to run so many miles 6-7 times a week back in high school. The first run wasn’t that special, I didn’t even time it because I wasn’t try to break any records or anything, just put in some miles and break a sweat and get used to waking up in the morning. During the 2nd day though, I ran the fastest time (only three laps around the block which is the only place I can run considering the time constraints) since I started doing this route. WalkJogRun says it’s a little under 3 miles, but I have a feeling it’s not, looking back at the times. The final time was about 9 seconds faster than my previous best. Why did I run so fast on this particular day?
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Posted on Apr 10, 2009 under Training |
Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Workout: 1 mile warm-up, 2-200 meter strides, 6 1-mile repeats at 6:32 pace, 1 mile cooldown
Time: 6:28, 6:25, 6:24, 6:33, 6:25, 6:26; total: 38:41 (avg: 6:27) Weather: sunny/windy
Today was the second day of track and field practice, so it’s understandable that the coaches sent all the new runners on a run on the trail, rather than running mile repeats on the track. I don’t know why, but when Fernando told us that we were still doing intervals like usual, I was still kind of shocked. Sergio didn’t really tell us how fast to go on the run yesterday, so I went kind of hard (well, harder than one should go the day before intervals). Even after running kind of hard yesterday, I still ran the mile repeats pretty well, either right at or below the pace I was supposed to run them at. Today was the first time we ran our mile repeat intervals with so many other people out on the track. Since the track season officially started yesterday, there were a lot of other people training for their own individual track and field event. The experience running these mile repeats were both positive and negative. Some people were very considerate and would actually say “good job” to us and move out of the way as we ran toward them (I think it’s because most of them were former cross country runners). But everyone else didn’t bother to move or were really slow about it.
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Posted on Mar 27, 2009 under Trail |
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
Workout: Medium/comfortable to Duarte
Time: Avg/pretty good weather: sunny/hot

Today was officially the first day of Track and Field (finally!). The months in between cross country and track and field were pretty hard because it was only a small group of people running together (if any). And because it was not mandatory practice, it was hard to feel motivated to show up everyday. But I guess because there was a fair amount of dedicated runners meeting everyday, it helped me continue to show up and run. What I also like about having the track and field season finally start is that it’s nice to have the support of your teammates, which help push you to run harder and get faster. Having those ‘cheerleaders’ on the side of the track while you’re running your intervals help tremendously. It felt pretty good seeing all the runners coming out and stretching together on the track. I felt really at ease because it was my second year running track and field and I knew a lot more runners than I did last year. And I guess I was one of the more experienced, veteran runners and there will be a lot of new runners that will be looking up to us for advice. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jan 24, 2009 under Training |
Wednesday, February 6, 2002
Workout: 1 mile warm-up, 2-200 meter strides, 6-1 mile repeats (at 6:32 pace), 1200 meter cooldown
Time: 6:22, 6:23, 6:24, 6:25, 6:18 Total: 38:16 (6:22 pace) weather: warm
Before the workout, I heard something about a meeting at the track and it was true. So I thought we were just going to have the meeting and maybe go over drills or have a light run since there would not be enough time to have a full workout. But Fernando told us about the meeting and then we would do intervals afterward. Even though I would have loved to have an easy workout today, it was the smart thing to do to still have a good hard run to get ready for the upcoming Track & Field season. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Nov 26, 2008 under Trail |
Sunday, January 27, 2002
Workout: Warm-up to Live Oak, hard to The End and back to Live Oak, Cool down Live Oak
Time: 48:38 Weather: chilly
While running the warm-up on the trail, I thought I felt pretty alright: no pain, injuries, no real complaints really. When we were stretching at Live Oak after the warm-up run, I realized that only four guys would be running today, so there would be big gaps between the people (which means we would most likely be running alone, which I hated). I guess all four of us could have ran together as a pack, but the odds of that happening were very slim. I think it’s a combination of the fact that all four of us are on different skill levels and there is always this feeling that we need to beat each other..
We started the run extremely fast, under 6 minutes (5:45-5:50) and after that I felt really tired. Other times before, I felt alright because I didn’t start out that fast. But this defnitely had an adverse affect on me, like it would with anyone starting a run too fast. A little bit before coming up to The End, I realized that Raymond was running right behind me. The rest of the way, I got discouraged because I thought he was going to beat me (I kept thinking, “Is he going to pass me now, which is fine or later on toward the end of the run, which would suck”) I saw how close he was to me when I got to The End and turned around and saw him running up toward the fence. It was literally 100 feet away or less. At the Park, I turned around (which I really didn’t want to do) and didn’t see him anywhere. That relieved me..a little.
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Posted on Oct 02, 2008 under Training |
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
Workout: 2 Perimeter warmup, 6 1-mile repeat intervals @ 6:32 pace, 1 mile cooldown
Time: 6:25, 6:28, 6:09, 6:28, 6:28, 6:29 (Total: about 38:00) Weather: windy at the end
While running the 2 perimeter warm-ups before the mile repeats on the track, Frank was telling me how worried he was about having to run his mile interval repeats at 5:40 pace. Hearing that I got a little worried too because I thought I also had to run a faster pace (most likely not as fast as 5:40 though). But after running the warm-ups, Fernando told us we were running the same workout as last week, which was a huge relief. This time though, Artie was going to be running in our group which would definitely help us out a lot. Running the first two mile interval repeats weren’t that bad, just a little faster than the pace because Ha was leading them. However, on the third mile repeat, Ha took off, I guess he thought we were running off pace or something. So we finished running that mile interval at 6:08, way faster than the pace that we were supposed to run at.
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Posted on Aug 20, 2008 under Training |
Wednesday, January 16, 2002
Workout: Two perimeters warm-up, 2-200 meter strides, 6-1 mile repeats @ 6:32 pace with 3 minutes rest, 1200 meter cooldown
Time: 37:48 (total), Avg: 6:18/mile Weather: Sunny/warm
When I heard we were running 6 one mile repeats on the track, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. I never liked doing mile repeats especially that many of them. However, Fernando said it was our base training and it was really important to start doing it now. And 6:32 was a relatively easy pace to begin with, so it shouldn’t be that hard in the first place. So warming up, I didn’t feel that scared.. Read the rest of this entry »