Posted on Dec 12, 2008 under Trail |
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Workout: Warm-up to the Park, One loop around the park and back to the Tower
Run: 6:30 pace to the Park, then to the 800-meter mark and finish at the Tower (2 Miles)
2 perimeter cooldown
Time: 12:46 (6:23 pace) Weather: Chilly
I thought we were going to run intervals today, and even if they aren’t that hard, I still don’t like them. But I guess that depends on what type of intervals we run. The type of intervals we have been running lately have been mile repeats, which are pretty hard, just because it’s running a mile each time, rather than a shorter faster distance. Today, we were just going to run two miles (at pace) on the Trail. Two miles sounded pretty easy and it was a completely different workout than the mile repeats. The coach said it wasn’t going to be hard, so I was pretty relieved. He kept saying our first half mile was going to be fast, but before we got to that point, we were actually off pace. So we had to pick up the pace a little bit. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Nov 26, 2008 under Trail |
Sunday, January 27, 2002
Workout: Warm-up to Live Oak, hard to The End and back to Live Oak, Cool down Live Oak
Time: 48:38 Weather: chilly
While running the warm-up on the trail, I thought I felt pretty alright: no pain, injuries, no real complaints really. When we were stretching at Live Oak after the warm-up run, I realized that only four guys would be running today, so there would be big gaps between the people (which means we would most likely be running alone, which I hated). I guess all four of us could have ran together as a pack, but the odds of that happening were very slim. I think it’s a combination of the fact that all four of us are on different skill levels and there is always this feeling that we need to beat each other..
We started the run extremely fast, under 6 minutes (5:45-5:50) and after that I felt really tired. Other times before, I felt alright because I didn’t start out that fast. But this defnitely had an adverse affect on me, like it would with anyone starting a run too fast. A little bit before coming up to The End, I realized that Raymond was running right behind me. The rest of the way, I got discouraged because I thought he was going to beat me (I kept thinking, “Is he going to pass me now, which is fine or later on toward the end of the run, which would suck”) I saw how close he was to me when I got to The End and turned around and saw him running up toward the fence. It was literally 100 feet away or less. At the Park, I turned around (which I really didn’t want to do) and didn’t see him anywhere. That relieved me..a little.
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Posted on Nov 06, 2008 under Random |
Friday, January 25, 2002
Workout: Run to the Park, do 3 laps and finish back at the Tower (about 2 miles)
Time: Easy Weather: warm
We were standing at the Tower, ready to begin running on the trail, but then some people said that they didn’t feel like running. At the same time, we were randomly talking about a noose that we saw at the park the week before. One of the runners said that she wanted to see it and just started running toward the park, so we followed suit and started running toward the park after her. We were about to head off in the opposite direction towards the trail, but we then decided to go after the other runner to the Park. I guess nobody really wanted to run that day, so this was a good enough alternative. We caught her when we reached the park and then showed her the noose. Since we were already at the park, everybody else decided to run some laps around it, which is about 1000 meters each lap. To finish up the run, we just ran from the park back to the Tower at the beginning of the trail. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Oct 24, 2008 under Trail |
Thursday, January 24, 2002
Workout: Easy/recovery to Camino
Time: 30:03 (7:30 pace) Weather: warm
Today, like many other days, I was on the verge of not running. But a few other runners did, so I joined Felipe to get a quick run in on the trail. So we changed and started running from the campus and when we finally got to the trail, we saw some other runners about 600 meters ahead. So we ran pretty fast to catch up to them (probably too fast as you will read later on). The strange thing though, when we caught the other runners, one of the runners was saying to pick it up, like to ditch us.
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Posted on Sep 18, 2008 under Trail |
Monday, January 21, 2002
Workout: Medium/Hard to Duarte
Time: Up: 35:23 (7:04 pace)
Today, we were either going to run to Duarte or the Railroads on the trail, but I told the coaches that a few of us were sore from the run Trail Run to The Rise on Saturday, so he told us all to go to Duarte. Frank told us he was going to Camino pretty hard and come back and do stair workouts on the track stadium seats. Coming up, we were all running pretty close together, but the group started breaking up and the first group was me, Frank and Ha. I remembered that Frank was going running hard to Camino, so I wanted to get away from that pack, but Ha stayed, so I decided to hang with them. Also, at Longden, Frank told us to pack it up, but it seemed like we picked it up instead. I guess he meant pack it up and run together at that faster pace. At Camino, I thought Frank was going to stop, but he kept running with us. Just before Duarte, Ha was falling back and Frank was yelling at him to keep up and catch us, which he eventually did do. It felt pretty good keeping up with Frank though, especially at the pace we were running at. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Sep 05, 2008 under Trail |
Sunday, January 20, 2002
Workout: recovery to Camino
Time: Easy Weather: Sunny
I was really sore today (even last night) from the workout. I don’t know why, but I also had cereal for breakfast that morning, which made the run worse. Good thing the run was supposed to be a recovery. Nobody else wanted to run today except Ha; Raymond just flat out said no. Anyways, coming up, it was alright, except right before Camino, when Ha picked up the pace. It wasn’t that fast, just faster than usual, especially on an easy/recovery run. We stopped, rested and stretched at Camino for a while. I brought up the old days when we first started running cross country and how we would be dying just running to Longden or Camino. There was also a time when we were so thirsty at Longden that we walked to a nearby home’s sprinklers and drank the water; that’s how tired we were.
We ran back was at a pretty good pace, it was actually better than on the way up. I don’t think it was faster or slower, just felt a lot more comforatble. We just talked and joked around and finished together, which was a change. Today was a good day to recover from the workout the day before. But I am still sore, so I don’t know how well I will run tomorrow, which will not be such an easy workout.
Posted on Aug 28, 2008 under Trail |
Saturday, January 19, 2002
Workout: 8 Miles: Warm-up from Huntington to The Rise, run hard from The Rise back to the Water Tower, cool down to the park and back
Time: 36:17 for 5.5 miles Weather: cold during warm-up, sunny after
Since running up the trail was a gradual uphill, Fernando told us we would be going pretty fast back downhill especially the first mile, which was clocked at about 5:30. When we got out and started, we were running really fast and I did feel the downhill. But after the first mile, I wasn’t that tired, but we had to stop to get out of the fence at The End. The End is literally a fence with a hole in it, so it’s almost impossible to just run by or jump over this part. And that’s where I caught Andrew and passed him. I’m pretty sure Ha caught him a little bit later as well, but I think he just ran with him. So during the rest of the run, like many of my other runs, I ran with the fear of being caught and passed. It is a real motivation when you think there is someone running up behind you. But you don’t want to make it obvious by constantly looking back, so you only do it every now and then. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Aug 22, 2008 under Random |
I found this old blog post about how Google Maps has contour lines when you are in terrain mode. Looking at this view gives you an idea of all the hills that you would encounter during a run. So I decided to take a look at the route we used to take when running on the trail and see if there were any significant hills that we had to run during that route..

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Posted on Aug 20, 2008 under Trail |
Friday, January 18, 2002
Workout: Easy to Camino
Time: easy Weather: warm
Coming up, Fernando said he was going to run hard to Duarte, so I tried staying at his fast pace along with some other runners. Then at the golf course, everyone started to packed it up and run in a group, so he decided that we should all run up together easy to Camino. It was pretty fun and easy going up. I remember some time during the run, Fernando told us his experience about missing CIF finals in track by .2 of a second because he got cutt off during the 800. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Aug 05, 2008 under Trail |
Sunday, January 13, 2002
Workout: Warmup to Live Oak, Hard to The End and back to Live Oak, Cooldown Live Oak (Total 9 miles)
Time: 51:33 Weather: cold, then sunny
Today’s run on the trail was the first one since Wednesday, so I didn’t know if the three days off would kill me or help me run even faster. So we came in the morning and everybody came except Fernando. He came to the trail late, but was in street clothes. He said he had to be somewhere so he would run later on in the day. But before he left, we just stood in a small circle just talking and telling jokes. We finally started running and warmed up to Live Oak. After stretching at Live Oak, we took off, and as we started running, Frank was going kind of slow (as a joke), so I passed him.. Read the rest of this entry »